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dot Hack Set X3...


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Hi people, and Happy Halloween! ....Well...After a long time (I didn't stayed here for a long time too...X3...), I think that I'm "coming back" and trying to be more active X3...Anyway...I'm here with a written .hack Set based on .hack//G.U. Vol. 1 Rebirth, the Theme is the Demon Palace Arena. Anyway...I'm a bit lazy now...So I'll only post written cards for now X3...


And, I would be happy if you post comments about them X3...Here are the first cards:


Demon Palace Arena Set


Name: Emperor Endrance

Type: Warrior/Epitaph User/Effect Monster

Attribute: Light

Level: ******

ATK: 2400

DEF: 2200

Effect: This card is also treated as "Endrance". You can only have a "Endrance" monster in your side of the field. If Endrance is in the field with a monster with "Haseo" in it's name, Endrance gains 500 ATK/DEF points. For each turn that Endrance stay in your side of the field with "Haseo", add one Love Counter (max. 7) to Endrance, for each counter in this card, Endrance gains 50 ATK/DEF. Only activate this effect if you have a "Haseo" in your side of the Field. Remove 7 counters from Endrance to add to your hand from your deck one Spell Card "Marriage", the Spell Card cannot be activated this turn. After this effect is used, Endrance cannot earn any other counter. If Endrance attack a face down monster, destroy the monster whiout flipping it automatically. Always that Endrance fight a "AIDA" or "AIDA Player" type monster, you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy Endrance and receive damage equal to the attack of the "AIDA" or "AIDA Player" monster to Special Summon from your Hand or deck a "AIDA Player - Endrance".

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: AIDA Player - Endrance

Type: AIDA Player/Warrior/Effect

Atributte: Dark

Level: *******

ATK: 2700

DEF: 2000

Effect: This card is also treated as "Endrance", and for this reason there cannot be other "Endrance" monsters in your side of the Field. This card cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "AIDA Black Dots" or "AIDA Infection". When this card is Special Summoned by "AIDA Infection" effect, you can search in your deck for one monster card "AIDA - Mia" and then add it to your hand. One time per turn, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "AIDA Black Dots" from your hand. Always that this card destroy a monster add a Epitaph Counter to Endrance (max. 7). For each Counter in this card, Endrance gains 50 ATK points. Activate this effect only if the Field is "Demon Palace Arena", remove all the 7 Counters from this card and sacrifice "AIDA Player - Endrance" to Special Summon from your Hand or Deck a "Infected Macha". In each of your standby Phases, you have to pay 150 Life Points to maintain this card in your side of the Field. If you don't pay the cost, Special Summon from your Graveyard one "Emperor Endrance" with Half Attack and Def Points.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: The Temptress

Type: Warrior/Epitaph User/Effect

Atributte: Light

Level: ********

ATK: 3200

DEF: 3000

Effect: This monster cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned ou Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except if you remove from your side of the field one "Macha - The Temptress". This monster can destroy indestructible AIDA monsters and ins't affected by any Spell Card from your opponent. Always this card destroy a monster, remove the destroyed monster from the play. You have to pay in each of your standby phases, 550 Life Points to maintain this card on the field. If you don't do it, you have to Special Summon a "Emperor Endrance" from your Graveyard with 0 ATK/DEF.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: Macha - The Temptress

Type: Avatar/Effect/Ritual

Atributte: Dark

Level: ********

ATK: 3000

DEF: 3000

Effect: This monster cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of the Spell Card "The Awakening of Morganna". Always that Macha destroy a monster, remove the destroyed monster from play and add one Data Drain counter (max. 10) on Macha. You can remove 3 counters to roll one six face dice and multiply the result for 150 and use the final result as damage in your opponent life points. You can also remove 9 counters from Macha to turn it indestructible in Battle until the end of your turn. When Macha have all the 10 counters, you can remove them all to activate one of this effects: 1) Roll 1d6 (1 six face dice) and multiply the result for 200 to destroy one AIDA type-monster with ATK equal or minor than the final result. 2) Roll 2d6 and plus the results. Return to the Original Form one AIDA Player Type-Monster who the level is equal or minor than the final result. 3) Sacrifice Macha to destroy all the cards in both fields.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: AIDA - Mia

Type: AIDA/Effect

Attribute: Dark

Level: ****

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1000

Effect: This card is indestructible in Battle, except if it battles against a "Epitaph User" or a "Avatar" type-monster. (But it also is affected by Traps and Spells). Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control this card on the field, you can equip it to your "AIDA Player - Endrance" as an Equip Card, OR unequip the Union equipment and Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. The monster equipped with this card gains 500 ATK/DEF points. (1 monster can only be equipped with 1 Union Monster at a time. If the equipped monster is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy this card instead.)

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: Demon Palace Arena

Type: Spell Card

Attribute: Field

Effect: When this card is activated, you can search in your deck for one "Saku", or "Emperor Endrance", or "Bo" or "Sakubo" e add the selected card in your hand. Both players can only have 3 monsters in the field (If they have more, they will have to destroy monsters until they have only 3 in the field). Both Players have to choice a "Party Leader" monster, if the Leader of one party is destroyed, all the other monsters of the party who lose the leader are destroyed too. While this card is face up in the field, direct attacks cannot be performed. All the monsters with "Saku", "Emperor Endrance", "Bo" or "Sakubo" gains 200 ATK/DEF points. If while this card is in play a "Emperor Endrance", "AIDA Player - Endrance", "Macha - The Temptress" or "Infected Macha" is destroyed, destroy this card instead.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: Victory Announce!

Type: Spell Card

Attribute: Continuous

Effect: Activate only if the Field is "Demon Palace Arena", "Holy Palace Arena" or "Sage Palace Arena". Always that a Party beats another (destroy the opposite Party Leader), the controller of the winner party has to roll 1d6 for every monster in his side of the field and multiply the result for 250, add the final resut in the winner life points. If the Field is changed for any other that is not a "Demon Palace Arena", "Holy Palace Arena" or "Sage Palace Arena", destroy this card.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


What ya think of it? X3...Another day I'm turning them into cards..

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Oh, thanks X3...I'll try to fix the grammar =p Anyway, I did some new cards...o.o...And, like the others, they are form the Demon Palace Set X3...Hope you like them? o.o..


Name: AIDA Black Dots

Type: AIDA

Attribute: Dark

Level: **

ATK: 500

DEF: 000

Effect: If you have in your side of the field a "Epitaph User" or "Avatar" type-monster, you can pay 1000 life points to send this card to the graveyard with the "Epitaph User" or "Avatar" to Special Summon a "AIDA Player" or "Infected" monster from the tributed monster.

Rarity: Super Rare


For the people who don't undestand AIDA Black Dots effect, it's simple...You only have to pay 1000 Life Points and, for exemple, tribute it along with a "Emperor Endrance" to summon a AIDA Player - Endrance, or tribute a "Macha - The Temptress" to summon a "Infected Macha" X3...


Name: Player

Type: Warrior

Attribute: Earth

Level: ****

ATK: 1700

DEF: 1500

Desc: A normal Player from "The World"

Rarity: Common


Name: Beast Player

Type: Beast-Warrior

Attribute: Wind

Level: *****

ATK: 2100

DEF: 1000

Desc: A player from "The World" that is a beast.

Rarity: Common


Name: Infected Macha

Type: Avatar

Attribute: Dark

Level: **********

ATK: 3300

DEF: 3300

Effect: This cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned, or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "AIDA Black Dots" or "AIDA Infection". In each of your Stanby Phase, you have to pay 750 to Macha be in the field, if you don't pay the cost, send it to the graveyard. When this card destroy a monster remove it from play. Always that Macha destroy a monster, add one Data Drain counter (max. 10). For each counter is this card Macha gains 100 ATK/DEF. Remove 10 counters to destroy all the monsters in the opponent side of the field.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: Sakubo

Type: Epitaph User/Spellcaster

Attribute: Dark

Level: ********

ATK: 2700

DEF: 2700

Effect: This monster cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Saku" and "Bo". Always that "Sakubo" lauch a Attack Spell, double the Spell Card effect. Once in a turn, you can discard one card from your hand to add from your deck to your hand one "Rue Kruz", "OrRue Kruz" or "Gan Bolg". For each of your turns that a "Sakubo" is in the field along with a "Endrance", add one Servant Counter (max. 10), for each counter in this card it gains 100 ATK/DEF. Only activate this effect if you have a "Endrance" in your side of the field. Remove 10 counters of this card to "Sakubo" and "Endrance" be immune to Spell and Trap cards until the end of your turn. After this effect is used, you can't perform your next two Battle Phases.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


Name: Lost Weapon - Tempting Rose

Type: Normal Spell Card

Effect: This card can only be equipped on a "Endrance" monster. The equipped monster can destroy indestructible AIDA Type-monsters and gains 1d6x150 ATK/DEF. If a monster equipped in this card destroy a monster, lauch a coin. If you win, you can control the destroyed monster until the end of your turn, if you lose, send the monster to the graveyard.

Rarity: Ultra Rare


I know...They are a little stupid, but, anyway...What you think of it? X3...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hum..Thanks I think...Static, The Temptress effect of Life Points is simple. If you don't pay it's cost, you have to Special Summon an Emperor Endrance with 0 ATK/DEF from your graveyard. HOWever, in the actualized version of The Temptress, the Emperor Endrance cannot be tributed and it can't too change it's battle mode. That means, all you got is only a defense-position monster in the most of the cases whiout defense. They really are a little complicated for some people... And, for the people who liked my cards, I did some new cards...It's kind of a...Haseo Set...lol..


Name: Haseo 1st Form

Type: Epitaph User/Warrior (Effect)

Attribute: Dark

Level: ****

ATK: 1200

DEF: 1000

Effect: You can only have a "Haseo" monster in your side of the field. While this card is face-up in the field, it gains 200 ATK/DEF points for every "Silabus", "Gaspard" or "Atoli" in your side of the field. Always that this card destroy a monster, add one counter (max. 4) on it. For every counter in this card, it gains 100 ATK/DEF points. You can remove 2 counters from this card to add from your deck to your hand one "Dual Sword - Spin Gai Gu". During the Stanby-Phase that this card is with 4 counters, send it to the graveyard to Special Summon from your hand or deck one "Haseo 2nd Form".

Rarity: Ultra Rare (Semi-Limited)


Name: Haseo 2nd Form

Type: Epitaph User/Warrior (Effect)

Attribute: Dark

Level: ******

ATK: 2000

DEF: 1500

Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Haseo 1st Form". The name of this card is treated as "Haseo". You can only have one "Haseo" monster in your side of the field. This card gains 200 ATK/DEF for every "Silabus", "Gaspard", "Atolit", "Antares", "Piros The 3rd", "Kuhn" or "Pi" in your side of the field. Always that this card destroy a monster as result of battle, add one counter on it (max. 6), for each counter is this card it gains 100 ATK/DEF. You can remove 4 counters of this card to add from your deck to your hand one "Broadsword - Broad Legged". During the Stanby Phaes that this card is with 6 counters, send it to the graveyard to Special Summon from your Hand or Deck one "Haseo 3rd Form".

Rarity: Ultra Rare (Semi-Limited)


Name: Haseo 3rd Form

Type: Epitaph User/Warrior (Effect)

Attribute: Dark

Level: ********

ATK: 2100

DEF: 1500

Effect: The name of this card is treated as "Haseo". You can only have one monster "Haseo" in your side of the field. This card cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Haseo 2nd Form". This card gains 100 ATK/DEF for each "Alkaid", "Atoli", "Endrance", "Kuhn", "Yata", "Pi", "Sakubo", "Antares", "Matsu", "Piros the 3rd", "Silabus", "Gaspard", "Zelkova", "Kaede", "Tabby" or "Shino" in your side of the field. Always that this card destroy a monster as result of battle, add one counter on it (max. 8). For each counter in this card, it gains 100 ATK/DEF. You can remove 5 counters on this card to add from your deck to your Hand one "Scythe - Scythe Shouxiao" or remove 7 counters to add from your deck to your hand one "Lost Weapon - Shadowly Death". During the stanby phase that this card is with 8 counters in your side of the field, send it to the graveyard to Special Summon from your deck or hand one "Key of Twilight/Haseo Xth Form".

Rarity: Ultra Rare (Limited)


Name: Key of Twilight (Haseo Xth Form)

Type: Epitaph User/Warrior (Effect)

Attribute: Light

Level: **********

ATK: 2000

DEF: 1000

Effect: The name of this card is treated as "Haseo", you can only have one "Haseo" face-up in your side of the field. This card cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Haseo 3rd Form". This card gains 100 ATK/DEF for each of his friend face-up in the field. (These friends are the same that are listed on "Haseo 3rd Form"). This card cannot be targed of Spell Cards if he is the only target. Always that this card destroy a monster, add one counter (max. 10) on it. For each counter in this card, it gains 50 ATK/DEF. You can remove 5 counters of this card to add from your deck to your hand one "Dual Sword - Spin Gai Gu", or "Broadsword - Broad Legged" or "Scythe - Scythe Shouxiao". You can also remove 7 counters of this card to add from your deck to your hand one "Lost Weapon - Shadowly Death" or "Dual Gun - X". You can remove 9 counters of this card to add from your deck to your hand one "Dual Gun - Z". When this card is with 10 counters, you can remove all of them to active one of these effects: 1) Roll 1d6, destroy cards in your opponent side of the field equal to the result. 2) Roll 1d6 and multiply the result for 200. Destroy one monster that the ATK points are equal or lower than the final result. 3) Pay 2000 Life Points and tribute this card face-up to Special Summon one "Skeith Final Form" from your hand. If one of the first two effects are activated, this card cannot attack for 2 of your turns.

Rarity: Ultra Rare (Limited)


Name: Skeith - The Terror of Death (Skeith 1st Form)

Type: Avatar (Effect)

Attribute: Dark

Level: **********

ATK: 3000

DEF: 2500

Effect: You HAVE to pay 1000 life points to maintain this card on the field. This card cannot be Special Summoned, Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "The Awakening of Morganna" using one "Haseo 1st Form" or "Haseo 2nd Form" as tribute. The name of this card is treated as "Skeith", you can only have a "Skeith" face-up in your side of the field. If BOTH players have a "Skeith" face-up, send the two "Skeith" for the graveyard. Any monster destroyed by this card is removed from game. Always that this monster destroys a card, add a counter (max. 10) to it. Remove 10 counters to activate one of the following effects: 1) Roll 1d6 and multiply the result for 500, your opponent lose life points equal to the final result. 2) Roll 1d6, destroy "x" "AIDA Player" or "AIDA" type monsters in the field where "x" is the dice result. 3) Add 10 counters in one of your opponent monsters. The targeted monster cannot attack, cannot be tributed and can't change the battle mode. Remove 1 counter from the monster in each of your stanby-phases. In the stanby-phase that the opponent monster is without counters, send it to the graveyard and half of the original attack of the target monster is add to Skeith's ATK points.

Rarity: Ultra Rare (Limited/Forbidden)


Name: Avatar Awakening

Type: Spell Card

Icon: Normal

Effect: This card can only be activated if you have one "Haseo 3rd Form" or one "Key of Twilight/Haseo Xth Form" face-up in your side of the field. Activate one of these effects: 1) Roll 1d6 and multiply the result for 300. Your opponent lose life points equal to the final result. 2) Roll 1d6. Destroy one "x" number of "AIDA" type monsters in your opponent side of the fields, where "x" is the dice result.

Rarity: Ultra Rare (Limited)


Name: Job Extension

Type: Spell Card

Icon: Normal

Effect: Only activate if you have one monster "Haseo" face-up in your side of the Field. Pay 500 life points and send the "Haseo" monster from your side of the field to the graveyard and Special Summon the "Haseo" monster that is descripted in the text of the tributed Monster from your Hand or Deck.

Rarity: Rare


There are them...And one thing, "Macha - The Temptress" and "Infected Macha" has now the same cost to be in the field as Skeith has. And them gained the effect: "If both players have Macha on the field, destroy both monsters"...Hope that you like it... (For some reason, I think that it is overpowered...Confirm if I am correct...Because I have Ideas for reducing these cards power...)

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