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The World of Ragnarok

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Alright, bets have been taken out of both of your characters. Good luck.

noctisluciscaelumkoramo.png V.S mirageb.png

noctisluciscaelumkoramo.png V.S


As a result from the ray of light, you have both gained +10 to ATK.


Noctis Lucis Caelum attacks! The total attack damage of this hit was 119!

Mirage attacks! The total attack damage of this hit was 44.


Noctis Lucis Caelum attacks! The total attack damage of this hit was 119!

Noctis Lucis Caelum uses a magic attack! The total magic damage of this his was 15.

Mirage attacks! The total attack damage of this hit was 44.

Mirage uses a magic attack! The total magic damage of this hit was 214! Ouch!


Noctis Lucis Caelum attacks! The total attack damage of this hit was 119!

Mirage attacks! CRITICAL HIT! The total attack damage of this hit was 84!


Noctis Lucis Caelum attacks! Unfortunately, the attack missed!

Noctis Lucis Caelum uses a magic attack! The total magic damage of this hit was 5. It wasn't very effective.

Mirage attacks! The total attack damage of this hit was 44.



Mirage has killed Noctis Lucis Caelum. It was an extremely good fight, but Noctis Lucis Caelum got unlucky at the end.


Mirage has earned 50 Zeny for a successful victory! Mirage has only 71 HP left. Rest, my warrior.


Out of generosity, Lunia has given Noctis Lucis Caelum 15 Zeny. Noctis Lucis Caelum cannot be used until Sunday, July the 12th.


[align=center]Mirage has won the fight! Let me see who won the bet...


Both Genius Sage and gil2m have won the bet!


Your Zeny has been returned to both of you, with the same amount as the winnings.


...and with the conclusion of this battle, the Baron of Chance has left...[/align]

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Nii-chan how many more zenny does ZR guild need?


Currently, Yondaime will be giving all of his 250 points to the creation of the guild.


You are offering 50 Zeny to help, and awesome66 is offering 50. I still do not know how much koramore and gil2m wish to contribute.


I shall prepare the match between Genius Sage and moldfire.

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