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Xbox 360 Question


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Well, after a bunch of debating between the Xbox 360 and PS3, I decided on the Xbox 360, now I have a question. And before everybody rants about how awesome the PS3 is, and how awesome Metal Gear Solid 4, and how MAG, and God of War is going to be coming out soon, let me say this.

I don't want a PS3, and that's because of the cost, and online. I might get a PS4 later on, but I'm still sticking to the Xbox because I'm a cheap assho**. And all my friends have a Xbox 360, so what's the point of getting a PS3? We can chat on the Xbox 360. While we can just be silently listening to the backround sound effects.


Now here's my question:


Should I wait to get a Xbox (since there's a rumor about a price drop during X-mas) or get it right now?


Thanks for answering!

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