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Alright this is my Yu-Gi-Oh deck that is made up of REAL cards. If you don't know what a card does, look it up. Please rate from 1 to 10.


Black Rose Dragon (Holo)

Stardust Dragon (Holo)

Goyo Gaurdian (Holo)

Dark Red Enchanter (Holo)

Chaos-End Master (Holo)

Gladiator Beast Andal

Gear Golem The Moving Fortress

Mystical Space Typhoon

Malevolent Nuzzler

Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind

Dark Tinker

Karate Man


Compulsory Evacuation Device

Brain Control

Penguin Soldier

Ribbon Of Rebirth

Speed Warrior

X-Saber Airbellum

Torrential Tribute

Zaborg The Thunder Monarch

Raigeki Break

Road Synchron

Magic Cylinder

Tribute To The Doomed

Sakuretsu Armor

Black Pendant

Heavy Storm

Magna Drago

Dust Tornado

Swords Of Revealing Light

Axe Of Despair



Black Salvo

Level Retuner

Psychic Jumper

Zombyra The Dark

Nobleman Of Crossout

Mobius The Frost Monarch

Half Or Nothing

Trap Hole (x2)

Quilbolt Hedgehog

Mist Body

Mage Power

Junk Synchron

Sonic Chick

Monster Reborn

Night's End Sorcerer

Saber Beetle

Magic Jammer

Copy Plant

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Ok, looks like everyone else decided they wanted to be mean, but I feel you have potential as a duelist if you fix your deck and follow these rules.


1. 49 Cards= too many. 40 Cards=Good

2. I'm getting an insect/monarch/plant/synchro/stall theme here. That's a problem, pick just one theme and use it.

3. Where is the draw engine?

4. I'll give you a 5/10 cause it looks like you have picked a few of the good staples to put in here. (Gale/B-con/Heavy)

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you guys are frekin rude at least give him advice gosh!


Dude' date=' a random deck means that its [i']A LOT[/i] harder for us the help.

Especially if its un-organized.


As for the deck, we need Momaru to come in and use Purification on it.

Seriously, I cant even tell if the deck itself was infected with Zonder Metal >__>

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Alright this is my Yu-Gi-Oh deck that is made up of REAL cards. If you don't know what a card does' date=' look it up. Please rate from 1 to 10.

Monsters: 35

Dark Red Enchanter

Chaos-End Master

Gladiator Beast Andal

Gear Golem The Moving Fortress

Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind

Dark Tinker

Karate Man


Penguin Soldier

Speed Warrior

X-Saber Airbellum

Zaborg The Thunder Monarch

Road Synchron

Magna Drago


Black Salvo

Psychic Jumper

Zombyra The Dark

Mobius The Frost Monarch

Quilbolt Hedgehog

Sonic Chick

Junk Synchron

Night's End Sorcerer

Saber Beetle

Copy Plant


Spells: 14

Mystical Space Typhoon

Malevolent Nuzzler

Ribbon Of Rebirth

Swords Of Revealing Light

Axe Of Despair

Nobleman Of Crossout

Mist Body

Mage Power

Monster Reborn

Tribute To The Doomed


Black Pendant

Heavy Storm

Brain Control


Traps: 11

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Torrential Tribute

Raigeki Break

Magic Cylinder

Half Or Nothing

Sakuretsu Armor

Dust Tornado

Trap Hole (x2)

Magic Jammer

Level Retuner


Extra Deck: 3

Black Rose Dragon

Stardust Dragon

Goyo Gaurdian


Side Deck: 0




Fixed. Now to rate.


This wouldn't win a single deul in any tourney.

Now lets fix it. or attempt to at least.

There is no central theme here. It looks as though you simply took all your favorite cards and threw them into a deck.

When making a deck you need to start with an idea. This idea can be anything really. A certain monster. A certain win condition. A certain Attribute/type, etc.

You find the necessary things for that deck and then you build the rest of the deck around that theme.

For example.

We want to build a ummmm. Kuriboh Deck. Cuz Kuriboh is awesome.

What do we start with. Kuriboh, Winged Kuriboh, Kuriboh support Cards.

Deck looks like this.



3x Kuriboh

3x Wingeed Kuriboh

2x Winged Kuriboh Lv. 10



2x Trancendant Wings

2x Multiply


We have the base of the deck theme right there. Now we find out what can support and or work well with Kuribohs. For example Chaos Sorceror. Kuriboh is DARK and Winged Kuriboh is LIGHT. Chaos will work great. We can also try Destiny Hero Plasma. Multiply Tokens can be used to Summon it. E-Hero Stratos can be used to search out Plasma. Lets try that. Now the deck looks like this.



3x Kuriboh

3x Wingeed Kuriboh

2x Winged Kuriboh Lv. 10

2x Chaos Sorcerer

2x D-Hero Plasma

1x E-Hero Stratos



2x Trancendant Wings

2x Multiply


From that point on you can look for more cards that have synergy with Kuribohs. And then you can fill in the spaces with Staples or splashable Cards.

Theres a looooong list of Staple/Splashable Cards so its really a matter of preferance. Mirror Force for example is splashable. threatening roar.heavy storm, etc.


So now, lets take an in depth look at your deck.

There is no theme.

we need to fix that. There are several themes that could arise from your deck though. I see a synchro theme in there. a plant theme. and a few other minor ones. Lets go with synchros.


From your deck for a synchro based deck we can use the following.


Chaos-End Master

Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind

X-Saber Airbellum

Road Synchron

Magna Drago


Black Salvo



Heavy Storm

Brain Control


Torrential Tribute

Magic Cylinder

Sakuretsu Armor

Trap Hole (x2)


Black Rose Dragon

Stardust Dragon

Goyo Gaurdian


So lets see whats worth working with from these.

We're going to need tuners. Which Tuners are best.


Chaos-End Master-Pretty decent. Lv. 3 is good. Decent Attack. Nice effect. This could work.

Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind-This card is a wrecking ball. Include it.

X-Saber Airbellum-Very good effect. Decent attack for level 3. Include.

Road Synchron-not soo much. not the greatest tuner. Dismissed.

Magna Drago-Could work. Decent lv. 2 Tuner, but there are better options. Byebye

Krebons-Very good level 2 Tuner. Great survivability plus searchability via E-tele

Black Salvo-Great tuner with the special summon effect.


So lets see. Lets try.

1x Gale

2x Airbellum

2x Krebons

2x Salvo


now spells.


Heavy Storm

Brain Control

All three of these cards are very good. Very Splashable. Brain control can jack your opponents monster for a synchro summon. Fissure can blow up a monster, though inferior to smashing ground. And heavy can nuke S/T


Lets go with.

3x Fissure

1x Smashing ground

1x Heavy

1x brain



Torrential Tribute-Very good

Magic Cylinder-fails in comparison to Sakuretsu, mirror force, and d-prison

Sakuretsu Armor-fails compared to mirror force, and d-prison

Trap Hole (x2)-bottomless trap hole is much better


1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

1x D-Prioson

2x Bottomless Trap Hole


There we go. So we have.


1x Gale

2x Airbellum

2x Krebons

2x Salvo


3x Fissure

1x Smashing ground

1x Heavy

1x brain


1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

1x D-Prioson

2x Bottomless Trap Hole


1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Goyo Gaurdian


Now there we go. We have something small, but workable. We have a THEME now ^.^

So lets find things that assist the theme of synchro-ing big things.


Looking at meta decks we see SynchroCat. an extreemly devastating deck. Lets work off of that for ideas. We can use Summoner Monk and Rescue Cat to bring out Tuners and monsters for Tuning. Summoner Monk requires Spell cards to work so stock up on those. Lets add another couple beasts for Cat to search out. We can also add a couple more defensive traps. Lets see how it looks with some support now.

Monsters: 13

1x Gale

2x Airbellum

2x Krebons

2x Salvo

1x Rescue Cat

1x Summoner Monk

2x Sea Koala

2x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 11

3x Fissure

1x Smashing ground

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy

1x brain

1x Mind Control

3x Synchro Boost

1x Emergency Teleport


Traps: 9

1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

3x D-Prioson

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Threatening Roar


Extra Deck: 3

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Goyo Gaurdian


Ok. The deck has 34 Cards. It has all the basics it needs to function properly. It has Tuners, monsters that can swarm the field to synchro with the tuners. Spell Cards to assist in Synchro Summoning and keeping the opponent at bay. Trap Cards to defend and counter opponent's offensive manuvers. We just need to fill in the gaps. I see two huge problems in this deck still. 1, It lacks any form of draw engine. and 2, ITS A AYNCHRO DECK WITH 3 SYNCHROS. So lets fix that.

The top draw engines are D-Heros(D-Draw+Allure), Allure, and Trade in. We don't run any d Heros, we run few dark monsters, and no level 8s. We need to improvise. When I don't have access to a good draw engine I run trap draw engines. Thie means three rush reckleslys and 3 Good goblin housekeeping. Tips for these cards: Don't use rush, well, recklessly :P Use it at good timing. Its better to use multiples of it at one time. If You use 3 at the same time you get 6 cards, but you only skip 2 draw phases. For housekeeping, never use it on your opponents turn. Use it on your turn after you draw. There is no point in using it on your opponents turn as you can't use anything you draw anyways. While if you wait for your draw phase to pick up an extra card you have more cards to choose from to put back on the bottom of your deck. Thsoe fill up the remaining 6 spots in your deck.


As for the synchros just fill it up with whatever. Stardust will be a main player. Probably the most used level 8 synchro. Red dragon archfiend can work as well as can Thought Ruler Archfiend. As for level 7s try Arcanite magician and Black rose.


So heres your completed fixed deck.


40 cards


Monsters: 13

1x Gale

2x Airbellum

2x Krebons

2x Salvo

1x Rescue Cat

1x Summoner Monk

2x Sea Koala

2x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 12

3x Fissure

1x Smashing ground

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy

1x brain

1x Mind Control

3x Synchro Boost

1x Emergency Teleport


Traps: 15

1x Torrential

1x Mirror Force

3x D-Prioson

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Threatening Roar

3x Reckless Greed

3x good Goblin Housekeeping


Extra Deck: 15

1x Black Rose Dragon

2x Stardust Dragon

1x Goyo Gaurdian

2x red Dragon Archfiend

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend

2x Arcanite Magician

5x other Synchros


that deck Id give a solid 7/10

Two more things. I just noticed how unbalanced i made the deck. more traps than Monsters D: I cant believe I did that. Well this is just a rough outline. I asume you don't have some of these cards anyways or you would have posted them, so make of this post what you will. But if you use a deck like this then you want to add more monsters and remove traps. The threatening roars are probably unecessary as is running torrential alongside Mirror force. More monsters could work wonders too. Try to get ahold of Rose Warriro of revenge. A solid level 4 tuner Monster. But yeh. Lastly. A side deck. Always have a side deck. Theres no reason not too. Test the deck. find out what counters it easily. The put a counter for that counter in your side deck. For example in My LADD synchro deck. Light and Darkness Dragon is absolutely ruined by lightsworn monsters. so in my side deck I have Light imprisoning mirrors and other Lightsworn counters that I can switch in for LADD afetr round 1.


Heres a place that has a great guide for deck building. I highly suggest you read it. Its probably more helpful than this post was.



Good luck.


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