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New Trap card - Grim Countdown


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This card must be a Continuous Trap' date=' since it lasts longer than 1 turn on the field. The effect is very nice ;).





I dont know...usually Continuous Traps last as long as you pay the cost or they are not destroyed by other effects, but this one destroys itself at a specific moment, so I came to conclusion that its a normal trap cause you use her effect only once..

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Not bad, but it should be a Spell Card, much like SORL.


The image isn't the greatest, but I think cropping it to remove the border and text would do the card good.


I like the creativity though, it seems balanced enough, skipping your Draw Phases is a hefty cost.



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nice card but the OCG should be like this


This card is destroy during your 3rd Standby Phase. As long as this card remains on the field. You must skip your Draw Phase. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard. Destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field.


overall 7/10 and yes change the pic

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nice card but the OCG should be like this


This card is destroy during your 3rd Standby Phase. As long as this card remains on the field. You must skip your Draw Phase. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard. Destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field.


overall 7/10 and yes change the pic

*Head - Desk* NO!


Anyway, the card is pretty good. Minor ocg and the pic could use some cropping. 8.5/10 =D

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nice card but the OCG should be like this


This card is destroy during your 3rd Standby Phase. As long as this card remains on the field. You must skip your Draw Phase. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard. Destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field.


overall 7/10 and yes change the pic

*Head - Desk* NO!


Anyway' date=' the card is pretty good. Minor ocg and the pic could use some cropping. 8.5/10 =D



i agree

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