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Can the dsi play videos?

Tempest Dahlia

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So, i'm typing away on my computer last night, and then my cherished ds was knocked off the desk by accident... And it broke... DX

I was sad and so my mother went to buy me a new 1 today. Well, I was wondering...

I know you can't just boot it up and watch youtube straght off the bat... So can someone plz tell me if there's an alternative?

If my psp can do it, i'm quite sure the ds can...

(Ps if the answer is no just say that. Any rude comments will be reported and negged. If yes plz tell me how u did it )

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You kids these days with your "Dee Es Pee's" and your "Pee Es Aye's" and your fancy Halos and your shoes and your UN and your world peace and your magic potter and your Disney and your Hannah Nebraska and your Jonas mafia and your Marios and your internet and your damn skater punks who grow up to be shoplifters.

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You kids these days with your "Dee Es Pee's" and your "Pee Es Aye's" and your fancy Halos and your shoes and your UN and your world peace and your magic potter and your Disney and your Hannah Nebraska and your Jonas mafia and your Marios and your internet and your damn skater punks who grow up to be shoplifters.


You just slaughered many names and made millions of little kids cry.

And you just spammed.


Thank you sheena. What's a flash cart?

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You kids these days with your "Dee Es Pee's" and your "Pee Es Aye's" and your fancy Halos and your shoes and your UN and your world peace and your magic potter and your Disney and your Hannah Nebraska and your Jonas mafia and your Marios and your internet and your damn skater punks who grow up to be shoplifters.


You just slaughered many names and made millions of little kids cry.

And you just spammed.


Thank you sheena. What's a flash cart?


You really don't know OMGA, do you?

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How dare you guys!? What?

If you weren't going to be nice you didn't have to be rude either. How? We just answered your question.


You are both REPORTED O-kay?


Now get out. When the internet has a door' date=' I'll consider it.[/b']


No, really. Don't take internet seriously.

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