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174's Rend-o-World !! IS NOW OPEN !!


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[align=center]!HELLO PEOPLE!

This is my first shop (And first thread/post). Most people are aware that most shops sell almost anything and it is for a high pointage !(>_<)!

[/align][align=left]But this shop is different from them in two ways:

1.) It only sells (yep, you gussed it) !RENDINGS!

2.) It is CHEAPER!!!

My price range is between 10-150 pts depending on the difficulty and the size of the job. I can get it done quickly and easily.

A NOTE TO MODs EVERYWHERE: Before you say 'You've got 24 hours to get examples', Once i watch 'Simons Cat' or I get customers, I'll have examples of my butifully done rendings 8)

Now I have an orderform which you must fill out. Here it is:


Picture Code:

How many you need:

Direct Dilivery?:

So, though small, I'm organised. also, so no-one can nick my Beutiful rends or your stunning pics, I will PM the pictures to you (for 1 pnt) when finished if you want (It's in the form).

What are you waiting for? !!!START SHOPPING!!![/align]

So who will be first to see my shop

Here is an example (I'm a bit new at posting pics properly, so it's a bit stretched):837709541.jpg

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