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Angry looking zombified wagon with burning wheels


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( 18 )

3 Kasha

2 Despair from the Dark

2 Zombie Master

2 Goblin Zombie

2 Pyramid Turtle

2 Mezuki

1 BW Gale the Whirlwind

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Il Blud

1 Sangan


( 15 )

3 Trade-In

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Burial from a Different Dimension

1 Book of Life

1 Foolish Burial

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Brain Control

1 Mind Control

1 Cold Wave

1 Lightning Vortex


( 7 )

2 Threatening Roar

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Call of the Haunted

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

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Akira, you done it again. It seems to be a marvelous weapon. But how well does it work? anyhow, i bet it'll work fine, hell, i'll wager 20 points on that. Anyhow, arnt you gonna have to worry about tribute, lightning, sak, compulsary, and the such with this pimped out ride on the field? Hopefully, my Yamata's fate wont be the same as your Kasha's. *cries and moans on the floor for a wonderful card* just hope no one gorzs your kasha.......

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I always run 2 BfaDD in Zombies. They work. Vortex gives me a discard which is useful' date=' Mirror Force is just a filler.



If MF is just a filler, perhaps neg it for a third Roar?


I dunno, I still feel that Mirror can make enough of a game changing impact at the right time to warrant a place in the main, and drawing multiple Roars is annoying.


If Mirror Force is filler' date=' I'm an AIDA. Mirror belongs in ever damn deck.



Don't be naieve.

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