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Fenrir MMO Reviews: Mabinogi


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Hi, some of you know me as Tigrex, but I am a gamer through and through. Seeing as I have nothing to do I decided that I would review several MMOs. A lot of people say that I can find good MMos for them, so I thought, "Why not review?" Rate, and if you want, suggest an MMO to review.




Mabinogi is a game that is greatly based off mythology. Specifically Celtic mythology. Mabinogi is revolutionary in a sense, providing close-to-truth fantasy life aspects. Mabinogi is extremely popular in Asia, and in the following moments I will explain why.


The focus of Mabinogi is the game’s life aspect. Obviously combat is a main part of this aspect, but none-the-less is not overpowering.


Graphics: 9/10

The graphics are stunning in their own way, sort of reminding you of anime or manga. The graphics are clear, and bright. You can see the light reflected off of the water’s surface, and can see the sun setting beautifully. Of course, it does have its flaws. Seeing as the graphics are great, lag is more frequent, forcing some players to reduce the graphic goodness. Lucky, these lags don’t happen to often, and some lucky users might never experience lag in the first place.


Sounds: 9/10

The sounds are much like the graphics, great, but with one minor problem. And of course, without the lag. >.>


The sounds aren’t dull and the backround music is actually quite good. Each character you talk to even has their own ‘themesong’ which plays while you’re talking to them. The only downside to the sounds of Mabinogi is that it gets repetitive. IE: I was on a quest to slay some Black Dire Wolves. As I went to the quest location, there were no Dire Wolves in sight. I decided to wait a while until they spawned. During this time, the backround music replayed itself heavily and was quite annoying.


Gameplay: 7/10

While Mabinogi is a revolutionary MMO, it’s not perfect. The combat is difficult to get used to at first, as new players will often die when they get to the two-digit levels. The ‘life’ gameplay is entertaining in the least, but it does get rather boring as you continue. No Dungeons are rather linear and dull, with cliché bosses. They just involve you going from room to room and fighting random mobs. (Monsters)


Challenge: 3/10

As I said, the game is challenging, but only in the beginning. After you get used to the combat, everything can be beaten fast, and dungeons just prove to be easy money.


Closing Thoughts:

This is game is good, at best. Hardcore MMO gamers will be disappointed, but casual gamers will enjoy this game to its fullest. After all, this game was created so that players could have a realistic ‘fantasy life’. That being said, there are tweaks that needs to be worked out, and content to be added. For those casual gamers looking for a game that’ll last, I suggest trying Mabinogi. For those hardcore gamers, If you want, try it, but don’t expecting anything great.


Final Score: 8/10

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Guest JoshIcy

This game isn't hardcore? Really?

Sure it's kiddy, but it's like Runescape done right. If that isn't harcore, I don't know what is.


You have instances, (which are great and level scaled). Music can be custom made, via a specific skill. And the cell-shaded graphics flow fluidly with the rest of the game itself.


You get various skill types, and titles to help you along (one even massively boosts your drop rate assuming you get something that happens only 1/10k times; it gives you +30 Luk). You get rewarded for doing the impossible (like massive stat gains if you beat an instance boss/specific enemy far below your own).


How is this game not hardcore? Even the system requirements are larger than most. Second only to Runes of Magic and Aion, (in my experience).

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This game isn't hardcore? Really?

Sure it's kiddy' date=' but it's like Runescape done right. If that isn't harcore, I don't know what is.


You have instances, (which are great and level scaled). Music can be custom made, via a specific skill. And the cell-shaded graphics flow fluidly with the rest of the game itself.


You get various skill types, and titles to help you along (one even massively boosts your drop rate assuming you get something that happens only 1/10k times; it gives you +30 Luk). You get rewarded for doing the impossible (like massive stat gains if you beat an instance boss/specific enemy far below your own).


How is this game not hardcore? Even the system requirements are larger than most. Second only to Runes of Magic and Aion, (in my experience).



Heh, I actually had to think for this.


My complete rebuttal: It's too simple.


I know it sounds stupid, but it's just too simple. The fact that one skill can be used as a complete and total counter for all is crazy. (Seeing as you've played this game, I'm talking about Windmill.) And no, I'm not dissing the graphics, I actually liked the graphics for my part.


Of any MMO that I've played that I could call hardcore, it was never this simple. It's just, straight forward is all. Sure, some bosses were difficult to beat, but that was all a level difference.


I honestly can't say anything else but the fact that it's to simple. I'm not saying it can't be hardcore, I'm saying that it simply isn't.


If you say it was hardcore, fine. For you, it's a hardcore game.

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The only problem I have with Mabinogi is how it doesn't work on all computers/laptops. Some of them just give BSoDs for no reason at all.


Unless they already fixed that problem. I had like three or four friends try, and they all got BSoDs. Requirements met, some way above, and still does it.

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