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Angry Sandwich. Yes, a sandwich.


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[align=center]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned discard 1 card to destroy 1 card on the field. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy the attacking monster and inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to half of the monster's original ATK.


Only hard part was deciding the type...enjoy this sandwich, it might be your last.



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pic and name reminds me of "hungry burger". ocg is flawless in my opinion, but i'm probably wrong, ah well. the actual sandwich pic is a little blurry. the second effect is a bit op'd because unless u lower that card's ATK, your opponent would take 1050 damage or over! plus it gets destroyed? other than that i like it.




i can just feel that somebody is gonna think i'm way wrong. ah well.

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