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Custom Attribute Monster


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Guest Merciful Idiot

[align=center]So I was making a card and for some reason, I wanted to make it a fire monster but then my little brother somehow went into my room and said it should be Dark. I then thought I should just make it fire then add it's extra attribute in the effect but then he yapped and then I yapped then he suggested a custom attribute. We looked at each other like idiots for a while.....




This card is unaffected by any card effect. Once per turn, add 1 INFERNO monster from your graveyard to your hand.[/align]

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Guest Merciful Idiot

The text should say "add 1 INFERNO-Attribute monster"' date=' instead of just stating the attribute.


Me no think so.




Many cards just state something like "Increase the ATK of all FIRE monsters by 0". Since it's an Attribute, you don't have to state it, just say it in capitals.

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