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[Wc09]An Alien deck that runs Yata-Garasu


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.......and appearently its WATER-Attribute themed.


Aquatic Aliens

Monster - 21

Alien Ammonite x3 - I swear, its something out of Contra Hard Corps

Alien Hunter x3

Alien Hypno x3

Alien Overlord

Alien Warrior x2

Card Trooper

Deep Diver x2

Mighty Morphin' Power Jar


Skreech x3

Treeborn Frog


Spell - 16

Arms hole

Bamboo Sword x3

Card Destruction

Gold Sarcoph x2

Golden Bamboo Sword x3

Heavy Storm



Soul Devouring Bamboo Sword x2

Swords of Light


Trap - 5

Call of the Haunted

Gravity Bind

Royal Decree x3


Extra - 15

Fortress Dragon

Catastor x2

Black Rose


Cosmic Fortress x3

Dewloren x2

Flamvell Urquizas

Mist Wurm

Stardust x3


Rate/Fix/Go crazy

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Wow. This thing is just... beautiful. It's so awesome that I want to see it banned, just so that the banlist can display the pure awesome of it to everyone who plays Yugioh. I hope you don't mind that I'm probably going to Netdeck this. I notice that you have Treeborn, 3 Skreech, a load of level 4s, what about Fishborg?

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Wow. This thing is just... beautiful.lawl It's so awesome that I want to see it banned' date=' just so that the banlist can display the pure awesome of it to everyone who plays Yugioh[b']But Konami wont limit Bamboo Sword. They plan to make more cards for it?[/b] I hope you don't mind that I'm probably going to Netdeck thisits a Wc09 deck, so of course you can XD. I notice that you have Treeborn, 3 Skreech, a load of level 4s, what about Fishborg?Wc09 is only really up to Crimson Crysis, Fishborg doesnt exist yet




Yata is lulzy


Anyways' date=' looks lulz.[/quote']

Any suggestions on what to add?


I liek ur new avi btw ;D

Captain Falcon: YES!

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Fenrir IMO


or at least aqua spirit' date=' she immobilizes tons of monsters.



I might add Fenrir

Since I could use Ammanite to revive and Alien, remove 2, and Synchro for Mist Wurm.

Mostly just to annoy the Opponent.


But the fact that I would be Removeing them is kinda' iffy....

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I don't get how it works...


Basicly' date=' the deck manifested itself from this:

Hey I've found a new yata lock



This needs building.

Return Bamboo Sword and Soul Devouring with Cosmic -> Cosmic Fortress gets 2 counters -> Destroy a monster with Cosmic -> Play both Bambo cards again, and attack directly -> Repeat


IMO, This deck is fun

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