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Yu-Gi-Oh! Life in the city: Chapter 4 1/2 New Arc


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My Story is sort of based off how I got into dueling, except changes like decks, names and such.


Apologies to anyone who finds this to be a Rip-off of Yu-Gi-Oh! in any way, I just wanted to write my story as I thought some people might enjoy it like I did...



[spoiler=Rafael Yama]Name: Rafael Yama

Age: 15ish

Occupation: High school student/Amateur Duelist


[spoiler=Picture of Rafael Yama]4244q.jpg


About 5ft. 10inches, buzz cut hair, light sideburns, little random hairs on chin and lightly tanned skin. Sleepy eyes which are usually almost closed, and green. Jaw line square. Bigger for his age (I think, because its what actually happened to me) weighing 205lbs, but weight is mostly muscle. Usually wears collared shirts and cargo pants.

Role: Main character.

Deck: Low Level Synchro



[spoiler=Felix Diaz]Name: Felix Diaz

Age: 14

Occupation: Middle School Student/Pro Duelist


[spoiler=Picture of Felix Diaz]4244pu.jpg


Felix is fairly short, standing only 5feet and 2inches tall. He has straight brown hair which falls flat, but is partially spiky. He also has very thin eyebrows which makes him looked surprised all the time. He wears skinny black jeans and a black sweater, mostly. Smaller for his age, weighing only 110lbs. Very pale skin with freckles on his face and arms. Small and round face and jaw line.

Role: Main character's best friend.

Deck: Dark Gaia OTK



[spoiler=Yao Li]Name: Yao Li

Age: 14

Occupation: Middle School Student

Appearance: Yao is average all around, his height being about 5ft. 7Inches. He has large black eyes and a small nose, giving him look of a little kid. Spiky black hair which is usually pointed up. He has light brown skin and a red birthmark on the left side of his neck.

Role: Classmate

Deck: Alien



[spoiler=Jim Sudder]Name: Jim Sudder

Age: 35

Occupation: Mathematics Teacher


[spoiler=Picture of Jim Sudder]4244i.jpg


Despite his age, Sudder has silky grey hair which is straight and usually combed back. He towers over his students at 6ft. 7Inches. He has blue eyes and bushy grey eyebrows. He also has a very large mustouche and is very muscular. He has a big smile which is almost always on his face, except while dueling. While dueling his smirk is gone and he has a much more stern look on his face.

Role: Rafael's homeroom teacher/ Dueling tutor

Deck: Sparkman





Story Background: Rafael grew up in New York and had grades just good enough to pass, but was always exeptional in mathematics. His friend introduced him to Yu-Gi-Oh! and he has been dueling for a few years. In this version of New York City, people duel in stores and parks, and duelists are seen as respected, or at least to those who duel. Rafael is an only child who has a cat for a little brother because he never had a real one. He goes to school during the day, and after school he roams around the city looking for a good challenge.


[spoiler=Beginning Arc]

[spoiler=Chapter 1 Part 1]

Rafael walked slowly, taking long steps next to his short friend,

Felix, who is a self proclaimed "Great Duelist". They arrived at the local

card shop near their school at around 3:30 PM. It was located at 181st Street, way up town. It was mostly quiet except for the occasional passer-by. They pushed open the door and stepped inside. There were two isles covered in toys for small children, and at the counter there was a display of the latest cards by the window.

"Okay, dude, this is

where we'll build your first deck!" Felix said, bubbly and full of cheer. He was excited to have molded a new duelist. Most of the people in his grade had outgrown dueling, but he remained a child at heart and was determined to bring out the kid in others.

"Hmm... there are so many

cards" Rafael started, looking around amazed. The cards were laid out depending on how recent they were. Most of the cards were very rare like 'Judgement Dragon' but there were also common monsters like 'Speed Warrior'. "How do I know which ones to choose?" Felix made a scrunched up face.

"Well, you need a good balance of Monsters, Spells and Traps... and, hey are you listening?!" Felix yelled, getting angry.

"Ooh! These look cool... "Synchros" huh?" Felix chuckled heartedly.

"Dude, those are some complex cards, you sure you can

handle, or more importantly, afford them?" Rafael shrugged, and

pulled out his wallet. Inside he found a few Hundred dollar bills.

"That should cover it!" He said beaming. Felix cringed.

"Where'd you get that kind of money?!" He was practically drooling on Rafael's shirt.

"It's called a job, dude. Maybe you should get one? Haha!" Rafael

laughed patting Felix's empty pockets.

"Shut up!" Felix said, getting red in the face.

Rafael, with the help of the card shop clerk and Felix, was able to put together a deck and was ready to duel. The cards that mostly caught his eyes were low level monsters and powerful synchros like 'Goyo Gaurdian' and 'XX-Saber Gottoms'. Because of this, he decided to make a synchro deck.

"Well, Felix, I think I'm ready to go!" Rafael said, proud that he had the gear to become a duelist.

"Yup, well I'll see you tommorow, and then we'll duel!"

"Sounds good." Rafael thanked the clerk, and shook Felix's hand, then set off to go home. He went down into the train station and rushed onto the express train. The next day, Rafael's road to becoming a duelist would begin!


[spoiler=Chapter 1 Part 2] The next day, Rafael got to class at exactly 8:15 AM. His school is at 242 street, by a large park. His classroom was empty except for a few desks and posters on the walls. The floors were glistening, so the custodian had probably just finished mopping. After a few minutes, Rafael's homeroom teacher entered the classroom.

"Goodmorning, Raffi-kun!"

"Goodmorning, Sudder!" Even though they were teacher and student, Rafael has known his teacher, Jim Sudder, since he was five years old. When he started school, Sudder quickly became friends with his parents, and eventually with Rafael himself. Because of this, they refer to each other casually.

"Oh, Raffi-kun, since we're at school, please refer to me as Sensei, okay?" Sudder asked, politely, careful not to sound condescending.

"Sure, but only if you call me Yama-san, alright, Sensei?" He said mockingly.

"Deal!" Sudder chuckled. After a while, Felix arrived, and more students started pouring into the classroom.

"Hey, Raffi, you got the stuff?" Rafael looked at him suspiciously.

"Dude, you make it sound like something bad! And yes, I brought my deck..." Felix threw his bag on the floor, he already had his deck in his hand.

"Then lets do this thing!" Rafael nodded, and took out his deck. He then scribbled on a piece of paper: "Me: 8000 Felix:8000" Felix slammed his deck down and yelled "MY TURN!"

All the other classmates in the room stared at him for his outburst. Felix cringed, feeling all the eyes like piercing lazars on the back of his head.

"Um, okay, I draw." He said more quietly. "Well, looks like I can make this a quick one. I summon 'Medium Piece Golem' and set one card to end my turn!" Rafael drew his hand.

"Oh, by the way, you never told me what kind of deck you use?" Felix snickered.

"You'll see in a sec. dude." Rafael shrugged.

"Yosh! I activate 'Lightning Vortex' discarding my 'Quillbolt Hedgehog'!" Felix fumbled around with his hand, anxious. "Um, then I summon 'Junk Synchron' which lets me summon back the 'Quillbolt hedgehog' from my graveyard. Then, I'll synchro summon to make, 'Junk Warrior'!" He beamed, picked up Junk Warrior than placed it carefully on the desk, as if it was a piece of delicate china. "Go, 'Junk Warrior' attacks directly!" Felix smirked. Then he crossed out the 'Felix 8000' on the piece of paper they were using to keep track of life points and wrote 'Felix 5700'. "I end my turn by setting one card". Rafael then though: 'Alright! I have my Mirror Force face down to destroy any monster he tries to attack with, and I already have another Junk Synchron in my hand, so in two turns this game is mine!' Then Felix picked the top card of his deck and set it aside without looking at it.

"Hey, Raffi, I said I would make this quick, didn't I? I activate 'Dark Fusion' fusing 'The Wicked Dreadroot' and 'Stone Dragon' to summon 'Evil Hero Dark Gaia'!! (Dark Gaia ATK 6000). Then the last card in my hand, besides the one I drew is 'Evil Hero Infernal Gainer'!! I remove it from play to have my Dark Gaia attack twice this turn! Then, the face down I played last turn is... Royal Decree! Haha! I attack with my Gaia for a total of, what is it, well you're the math wiz, you do the math!" Rafael was amazed. A one turn kill with damage totaling over 9000.

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"What? I followed the rules, well lets see here, your face down was... Oh snap! Mirror Force?! Wow, that could have saved you, but, I don't call myself a Pro for nothing!" Felix bragged, putting his deck back into its box. The bell rang, signaling the first period starting.

"Well, I'll see you at lunch, Raffi!" Felix yelled as he pushed through a barricade of kids to get the hall. Rafael packed up his stuff and then passed by Sudder's desk on the way out.

"See you later, Sensei!" Sudder nodded. He was looking through something in his bag.

"Hey, what'cha got there?" Sudder shook his head.

"Oh nothing! Hey, you better hurry up, or you'll be late to class!" Rafael jumped. The second bell rang.

"Oh no, I AM late now! Thanks a lot Sensei! I'll see you later!" Rafael ran out of the classroom, nearly tripping over his own feet to get across the hall. Sudder sat at his desk thinking: (Oh boy, It'd be bad if Rafael found out that even I was a duelist...)...


[spoiler=Chapter 2 Full]A few hours have passed since Rafael’s duel with Felix. Rafael heard rumors going around that there was a place on the school campus where people could go to duel. Felix met up with Rafael at lunch time, where the students had two hours before taking their last class.

“Oh, so you want to join the school’s dueling ranks, huh?” Felix asked.

“Well, it sounds like good place I could get some practice in and learn how to duel well.” Rafael stated.

They walked out of the school building, and across the grassy field which separated the main building with the more recreational one. At the edge of the building there was a classroom which could be seen clearly through the windows. As Rafael and Felix approached, one student inside the classroom noticed them, and came out, blocking the entrance.

“Hey, Felix. Whose this kid?” he said, rudely pointing at Rafael.

“Oh, this is my friend Rafael Yama. He just started dueling and wants to join our ranks. How about it?”

“Who is this guy, Felix?” Rafael said, feeling left out.

“Oh! Right! Raffi, this is Yao Li, he’s one of the club’s top duelist. He also runs it while the overseer is away.” Yao laughed.

“Wait a second, did you say he just started dueling, and he wants to join our ranks? That’s hilarious! Rich!” Rafael didn’t smile, he knew he was being mocked.

“Hey, I just want to learn more, and get better. Is that so wrong?” Yao stopped laughing.

“No, that’s not wrong. The wrong thing is that you came to the wrong place, you know? Everyone here is a very experienced duelist, and you’ll probably cram our style. So, I have a proposal. If you beat me, you can join our club!” Rafael took out his cards and said,

“So, where do we sit?”

Yao led Felix and Rafael into the classroom. There were small tables staggered around everywhere, and almost every table had a pair of students dueling on it. Felix told Rafael,

“Good Luck, alright?” and walked away, starting up a conversation with another duelist. Yao nodded to another boy, and he grabbed a calculator and approached the biggest table.

“Okay, Rafael, you can choose to go first or second, so set your own handicap.” Rafael shuffled his cards quickly, then dropped his cards from his hand slipping.

“Whoops! Well, I guess you can go first then…” Yao nodded again.

“Alright, lets make this a quick one. You guys play with 2000 life points only.” The boy who was holding the calculator said, punching in 20002000 into the calculator.

“Sure. Draw. Hm… I summon ‘Alien Shocktrooper’ and set one card face down. I guess that’s all.” Rafael drew, and stared at his hand. He had a plan to win.

“Well, Rafael, I know you use synchros, but is there a way to come up with a synchro that will do enough damage in one turn?” Rafael smiled slyly.

“Sure there is! I activate, ‘Lightning Vortex’ discarding ‘quillbolt hedgehog’!”

“Sure. But I activate my facedown, ‘Snake Whistle’, so now I summon ‘Alien Warrior’! Alright, continue.”

“Don’t mind if I do. Well, then I activate ‘Foolish Burial’ sending another ‘Quillbolt hedgehog’ from my deck to the grave. Then, I summon ‘Marauding Captain’ and special summon ‘Junk Synchron’!”

Felix was laughing in the background, he was paying no attention to the duel.

“Now I summon the two ‘quillbolt hedgehogs’ from my graveyard! And I tune one of them with my ‘Junk synchron’ to make, ‘Junk Warrior’! He gains 800ATK because of my ‘quillbolt hedgehog’ on my side of the field! Go attack his ‘Alien Warrior’!”

Junk Warror: 3100 Alien Warrior:1800 Damage=1300 “Now my ‘quillbolt hedgehog’ attacks for the game!”

The boy holding the calculator was stunned. His fingers didn’t move.

“Hey, hold it! You had some kind of sick combo planned!” Yao said, turning pink as people in the classroom realized what had happened.

“Well, I did what you said, I won! So can I join the club?” Yao burst into tears.

“No! Get out! It isn’t fair!” Then, the class door swung open. Sudder stepped into the room.

“Now, now, Yao. We can’t have the second in command start bubbling over a handicapped loss like this, now can we?” Rafael stood up.

“Second in command? Then who is first?” Sudder laughed a deep laugh.

“Hehe! Well, that would be me!” Rafael rushed over.

“WHAT! You duel?!” Another student came over and patted Sudder’s shoulder.

“Of course he does! Sensei’s the best duelist in the school!” Rafael stood with his jaw hanging.

“Oh, and Rafael, now that duel I just saw was amazing! You really know how to make combo’s, huh?” Rafael shrugged,

“Well, it just comes naturally, I guess” He stuck his tongue out at Yao and smiled.

“Hey, now, Yama-kun, there’s no need for this childish behavior. And since you did display such a courageous duel here, I will admit you into the club.”

Rafael was beaming. Then everyone in the classroom yelled “WELCOME, YAMA-SAN!” then from the speaker in the ceiling, the principle yelled back


There was silence then everyone laughed, and Yao’s spirits had been lifted.

“Well, I guess it’s good to have you, but NEXT time, I’M winning, and we’re playing with 8000 life points, not 2000, so be ready!” Rafael smiled.

“No problem!” After all the students settled down, the continued to duel until the bell rang.

“AAWW!!” everyone sighed.

“Sorry class, but the period’s over, so see you tomorrow, everyone!”

“BYE SENSEI!” everyone chanted together. As everyone was packing up and filing out, Rafael passed by Sudder’s desk.

“Hey, Jim, uh, I mean Sudder, I me…” Sudder laughed.

“Yes! Yama-san! What is it?” Rafael pointed at Sudder’s bag.

“Um, can you show me what kind of deck you have?” Sudder closed his briefcase and shook his head.

“Nope. No can do. But, I’ll duel you tomorrow, and trust me, it’s the one duel you will remember if you forget any other!” Sudder then patted Rafael’s head, and stepped out.

Rafael kept pondering about what his Sensei had said. “A duel to remember”… The Rafael thought: (A duel to remember, huh? I can’t wait!) Once the classroom was straightened out, Yao locked the door, and walked with Felix and Rafael towards the main building.

“Hey, Yama-kun, when you see Sensei’s deck, it’ll be a blast!”



[spoiler=Chapter 3 Full]The next day, Felix was late to homeroom, so Rafael had to start classes without him. At lunch time, Rafael headed over to the dueling club. It was still early, so there were not many people in the room yet. Sudder was not in the classroom either. In one corner, there were a few students discussing the latest episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's,

"Hey guys, wasn't that awsome when that dude did that synchro summon with the two synchros?..."

"Yeah, if only there were cards like that!"... A few minutes later, Felix showed up, Yao was behind him.

"Hey Raffi!" Felix said, excitedly.

"Hello, Yama-san." Yao said more formally. "Well, today's your duel with Sensei, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous... Does either of you know what kind of deck he uses?" Both Felix and Yao smirked.

"Well, what do you love to use?" Felix said, almost sarcastically.

"Synchros, of course." Rafael said, matter of factly.

"Well, what came out before synchros?" Yao said, walking away not expecting an answer.

"Um, wasn't it those 'Fusions'? So, he uses fusions?"

Felix smiled even wider. "Not just fusions ... ELEMENTAL HEROES!"

Rafael sat still. "Dude, don't elemental heroes suck?"

Everyone in the room gasped, and some kids fell out of their chair.

"Elemental Heroes are the very things that got Sensei to the top ranking duelist! How DARE you insult them!" Felix yelled.

Rafael seemed confused. "But some other kids in the club used Heroes, and they were really bad..." Yao shook his head.

"Obviously, you don't understand. He doesn't use all those Noobish heroes like avian and such. He's all about Sparkman!" Rafael shrugged, still not understanding what caused everyone else to respect E-Heroes so much. The door swung open, and Sudder stood in the door way.

"Well, I believe I have a challenge today, huh?" Everyone ran to the front of the classroom to greet him. Rafael hit his fist on a desk.

"HEY! I heard what kind of deck you use, and I, for one, think it's pathetic! So here's the deal, if you think you're so great with your little sparkmen and such, then lets play for the title of best duelist in the school!" Rafael stated firmly and roughly. All the students yelled at him in outrage.

"Hey, how dare you speak to Sensei like that!" said one student.

"Yeah, Sensei'll put you in your place!" said another. Sudder shrugged.

"Now, now, children. It's good to have a little incentive! Fine. If you win, you can keep the title of 'Top School Duelist'. BUT! If I win, I'll take your bad dueling as an insult and you will be banned from club for a week. How's that sound?"

Rafael was sure he would win. "Get over here old man! Let's get this over with!"

Rafael stood at one end of a table at the front, a very large table about 4 feet in width by 6 feet in length. Next to it on the wall by the main door, there was a chalk board which already had "Sudder Sensei=8000 Rafael Yama=8000" written on it. Sudder then took out a deck of cards in plain blue sleeves, shuffled, and set it on the field.

"Well, since I am the offended party, I will go first. Draw! I summon Elemental Hero Prisma (**** 1700ATK)! I activate his effect to send Necroshade from my deck to my graveyard. End of turn!" There was chatter around the room.

"Shut up you guys, its starting!" Felix shouted.

"Go! My turn, so DRAW! Yosh. I activate 'Lightning Vortex' and discard 'Limiter overload' to destroy your Prisma! Then, I can special summon 'Speed Warrior' from my deck due to 'Limiter Overload' 's effect (** 900ATK)! Then, I activate foolish burial to send a 'Quillbolt Hedgehog' from my deck to the graveyard. I summon my trusty, 'Junk Synchron' and tune it with the 'Quillbolt hedgehog' that returns, so be summoned, 'Junk Warrior'!" (Junk Warrior ***** 2300ATK) but, my warrior gains a power boost because I have Speed warrior on my side of the field! (2300 -> 3100ATK) Now, I attack with both my monsters to inflict 4000 points of damage!" Rafael yelled, getting excited.

One boy erased the 'Sensei 8000' and wrote '4000'. Rafael began laughing hysterically.

"Sudder! Next turn, you'll lose!" Sudder laughed.

"Yeah, right. Draw! Now, watch! I summon from my hand, Elemental Hero Bladege!(******* 2600ATK)" Rafael slammed his hand on the desk.

"OI! That monster's level is WAY too high to be summoned without tributes! Seems like your losing your touch!" Sudder shook his head.

"No, seems like you don't know squat about Heros. Necroshade's effect activates while in the grave. It allows me to summon a Hero from my hand without tributing!" Rafael cringed.

"B-but, it's still not enough to beat my 'Junk Warrior'! H-ha!"

That may be the case, however, I activate, Polymerization! With this, I fuse the Sparkman in my hand with the Hex sealed monster, to create, Elemental Hero, SHINING FLARE WINGMAN!! (******** 2500ATK)"

"You really are losing it, old man! Your monster's weak!" Rafael squealed while laughing.

"No, watch! My Shining Flare Wingman gains 300 ATK for each Hero in my grave... and I have three! (2500 ->3400ATK) This is more than enough to destroy your 'Junk Warrior'! But, for good measure, I'll activate another card, 'Miricale Fusion'! I fuse the Sparkman in my grave and the substitution once again!" Rafael threw his cards down.

"Stop making a fool out of me and do something already!" The other students laughed, while Rafael turned pink and then red in the face.

"Fine! Summon, Plasma Viceman! (******** 2600ATK) and use his ability to discard Stratos from my hand to destroy your 'Junk Warrior'! Then, I attack your Speed warrior with my Shining Flare wingman! Don't bother subtracting, because all of Shining Flare Wingman's ATK points come out of your life points in the end!

The boy by the board very happily crossed out 'Rafael 8000' and wrote 4600.

"And then, my Bladege and Plasma Viceman attack for a total of 5200." Sudder sighed. The boy by the board erased everything on Rafael's side and wrote in big letters "LOSER".

"That's... ridiculous... Why is it that when other people use heroes, they suck? No... you still suck! YOU'RE A FREAK!" Rafael yelled, tearing up.

"You know what, you've been a real ungrateful brat. I'm sorry that I have to say these things, but you're acting like a crummy little piece of trash. Bad talking people's decks, and even the people themselves. You have earned yourself a week.... no a two week leave, so don't bother coming back to Club until next thursday. Understood?"

Rafael was biting his bottom lip. He was furious. He felt bad enough losing to an archtype that he deemed useless, and he felt even worse that his teacher and friend had called him such things.

"Maybe this will be good for you. You need to calm down, and think of new strategies. All you ever do is bring out Junk Warrior. Do you know how lame that is?" Felix said. Rafael was shocked. He couldn't believe he was hearing this coming from his own friend. Yao shook his head.

"You really are low, Yama-san." Rafael started laughing hysterically.

"I don't need this place! Screw you! All of you! HAHAHA!!! When I come back, I'll have skills like you've never seen! ARGH!!" Rafael stormed out of the class, grabbing his deck and pushing kids out of the way. He was banned from Dueling at school for two weeks, and all the duelists at school saw him as a lowlife.

"Well, I told him Sensei was good..." Yao said sighing.


To be continued...





[spoiler=Neutral Ground Arc]

[spoiler=Chapter 4 Part 1] Rafael was furious at everything around him. He couldn't stop thinking about how he had been humiliated in front of everyone at the club. He didn't have anymore classes that day, so Rafael went to the computer lab. He sat down in a rolling chair, and wheeled around, thinking of how to kill time for two weeks. He stationed himself at a computer, and began Googling things. After a few minutes, he came across a website called "Neutral Ground" and found the name enticing.

"Hm... this sounds interesting," Rafael thought. He clicked on the website, and a caption at the top of the page read:

"Interested in dueling? Want to learn to duel like a pro while having fun and competing in small tournaments in a friendly atmosphere? Come on down, and give us a visit! You'll be glad you did!" Rafael paced the thought in his mind. He knew he had to get better, and this seemed like his only chance.

"Alright! After school, I'll go there, just to check it out..." he thought.

At 2:00 Rafael thought:

"Well, I have no classes, and I'm sure Felix doesn't really care about seeing me now, so I guess I'll head on to Neutral Ground..."

Rafael walked out the school building, and said goodbye to Rosa, the secretary at the front desk. He took the subway all the way downtown and ended up in 35th street.

"Well, they said, 35th and 6th avenue, so it's got to be around here somewhere..." Rafael thought as he walked eastward. He finally reached a building which had a row of glass panels on the ground level. Above the windows were the words: "NEUTRAL GROUND" in large, silver letters.

"Well, this must be the place..." Rafael thought. He stepped in and looked around. There were mostly toys around, and farther to the back there was a cashier's desk and register. He walked towards the desk, and a young man about the age of 22 or so stepped behind the register.

"Hello! Welcome to Neutral Ground! You seem a little lost, so... is this you're first time here?" The man said cheerfully.

"Yeah, I found the website online and thought I should check it out for myself." Rafael said, grumbling.

"Well, is there something specific you're looking for?"

"Um, yeah. Do people duel here?" The young man giggled.

"Of course, silly! This is the place people come to hone their skills and improve their decks! We're having an amateur tournament later. Would you like to join?" Rafael thought about it, and then said:

"Well, I haven't dueled anyone outside of my school, so sure, why not. Here's ten dollars. That's the fee, right?" The young man nodded.

"Sure is! Well, Max will lead you up to the "Chill zone", you can wait for more people to arrive. By the way, I'm Reggie. And you are?"

"Rafael Yama. Why do you need to know?" The young man typed something into a computer next to the register.

"Oh! Well, I make the pairings for the tournament, see? It would be pretty tough to pair people up if I couldn't write their names, heh!" He laughed and then shooed Rafael off.

"Go ahead, go upstairs. The tournament doesn't start until 4 O'clock, so rest up and get in some practice duels if you get the chance!" Rafael shrugged then nodded.

"Um, Okay. Sure. See you later, I guess." Rafael stepped up the staircase and there was a balcony from which the entrance could be seen. There were no other people there except one boy in the corner.

"Hey kid, want to duel?" Rafael said.


See part 2.


[spoiler=Chapter 4 Part 2]The boy did not respond. Rafael began to get angry.

"Hey! Are you deaf or something?" The boy still didn't respond. Rafael got closer to get a better look. The boy was asleep and had headphones in his ears blasting heavy metal.

"No wonder. There's no way anyone could hear like that..." Rafael decided it would be better to let the boy sleep. Rafael took out his deck and began shuffling it and testing out hands he got. About half an hour later, the boy woke up, and saw Rafael sitting next to him, testing out hands.

"Hey, dude. What time is it..." the boy said, still drowsy from sleeping.

"Oh, uh, about 3 O'clock now," Rafael said.


"I said, 3 O'Clock!"


"THREE O'CLOCK!" Rafael yelled.

"Hey hey, boys! Try to keep it down, shall we?" Reggie yelled from below. That was when the boy noticed he had headphones on.

"Oh, my bad, I didn't even notice the music. Hey, so testing out a deck, there, huh?" Rafael shook his head.

"No... I'm thinking of whether I should quit dueling." He said, placing his cards down."

"Well, let's put it this way. Play in the tournament. If you win, then that means that you should continue. If you lose, well, get a new hobby. How's that sound?" Rafael dropped his head.

"The thing is... It feels like the deck is worthless..." The boy laughed and grabbed Rafael's deck.

"Hey what's the big idea?" The boy shook his head.

"No worries. By the way, my name's Rick. Well, I've got an idea... How about I play in the tournament as you, and win with this deck! We can split the prize, m'kay?" Rafael shrugged.

"I've got nothing against it. It's just tha-"

"Yeah, yeah. You're worried your deck can't make it. Don't worry! I'll win for sure! You know what, I'm so confident that I wont even look at the deck! Yeah, that's it! I'll duel fresh from the start, and I'll learn to use it along the way!"

"Are you crazy?! The deck's not good, and you don't even want to study it? You really are something..." Just then, a crowd of people burst into the store. They went to the register, paid, then went downstairs.

"Hey, where are those guys going?" Rafael asked.

"Oh, what, did you think people actually came up here to duel? Please... The real action, happens downstairs!"


For those of you who do not know, Neutral Ground was a place in New York City where people could duel and tornaments were held every week. It was lots of fun, but then, sadly, they had to close down. This next arc is going to be about Rafael's two weeks at Neutral Ground and dueling to gain experience and better moves. I'm dedicating this arc to Neutral Ground, in loving memory.

...Coming Soon To a Computer Near You...


There will probably be at least a duel in every chapter, but I want it to be much more realistic than Yu-Gi-Oh! Any help is greatly appreciated.


Thanks For Reading!

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I thought you weren't allowed to use script format...


No, I haven't read the story, but WHY IS THE NEW TREND PUTTING DIFFERENT FICTIONAL CHARACTERS INTO TRADING CARD GAMES!?!? It makes no sense, has no description, and to this fish, is kind of stupid. I'm not saying every story with that is bad, but it's true every story I've read with that incorporated, me no like.

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To Kendo Fish: I don't know about the script format' date=' I just thought it would make it easier to read. Also, I'm not putting them into the actual story, my story has nothing to do with the Real Yugioh.

To everyone: If you don't like the story, or format or whatever, then please don't just pointlessly comment, just pass on by. I don't mean to be rude but I really don't care much for complaints, such as the one above. So once again, if you don't like it, keep it to yourself, I don't really care.


Now that that's taken care of, Chapter 3 is up.


As a guy who truthfully "attacks" bad stories, thus making the author decide "Hey, I should try to make it BETTER!!", or "I'm a guy with low self-esteem, so I'm giving up." Basically you're saying that you only need good comments to tell you that everything you're doing is right and you should fix nothing? That's not cool.




MOST people here get complaints about certain aspects of their stories (the others never get noticed by anybody who matters, or they actually know how to write so well that it blows people apart. Or it's supposed to be a dumb story, so they can't complain). Really, everything that Kendo Fish said is true, script format was banned a few months ago (or one, I can't remember), you need to describe stuff, and it looks really lame at a glance (well, it's alright to use all of the characters Kendo Fish complained about, but everything else is true).


So, you should be Person A: the guy who becomes better at writing because he paid attention to what the constructive people (or jerks, some of them) said. Not Person B: the whiner, but Person A. Now choose.

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Good job at re-doing it, but it looks... weird. Maybe you shouldn't keep cutting your sentences off and spacing everything so much. Plus the chapter is really bland, just a SHOOOOORT snippet of just some guy walking into a shop, buying stuff, and leaving. That's really boring. Maybe you should either make it longer (and describe more stuff), or find some way to make it part of the first chapter? But seriously, more description. The friend... is just short. He's a short... blob?

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To Weather Report: Yeah, I'm thinking of just putting a little more detail to this, and then continuing to the next chapter. I'm sorry about the character descriptions, I'm not so great at that.


To Rinne: The feminine name is Hanabimaru, right? I know Hana means flower, but when put with Bi it becomes "Fireworks" and maru being the word for circle, so I meant it to mean "Circle of Fireworks" and I don't think its that much of a feminine name, I'm a guy and I use it as my name in my Japanese class... Or does that just make me feminine? He is supposed to be based mostly off of me... Oh well... And the yellow orange skin being liver problems? Gosh, I never knew that... I guess that'll be the first thing I'll change now. Thanks for letting me know!

Made small edits to what I have so far. Also, I have a question: How do you make those buttons that you click on to see what's written, for example: "Click here to view chapter..." I would like to know because if I continue writing this, the post would get really cluttered... Please help if you can, thanks.

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To Rinne: The feminine name is Hanabimaru' date=' right? I know Hana means flower, but when put with Bi it becomes "Fireworks" and maru being the word for circle, so I meant it to mean "Circle of Fireworks" and I don't think its that much of a feminine name, I'm a guy and I use it as my name in my Japanese class... Or does that just make me feminine? He is supposed to be based mostly off of me... Oh well... And the yellow orange skin being liver problems? Gosh, I never knew that... I guess that'll be the first thing I'll change now. Thanks for letting me know!



I'll PM you with some name-improvement suggestions.

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My newest complaint is that you have TEEEEXT BLOOOOCKS!! Imagine I said that with a ghostly voice, please. Whenever a NEEEW SPEEEEAKEEEER talks, press EEEEENTEEEEER!! Otherwise, I think that your picture-skillz will GREATLY improve once you shrink down some super-sized heads. Then they shall look awesome. No joke.


I couldn't read you story yet because text blocks LITERALLY give me a headache, and so... I'll give you tips after you get on that, if you feel like it.

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Okay Weather Rep. I checked and changed the formatting of the writing, it should be easier on the mind, now. Please try to read it eventually, huh? And, the way you worded it "My newest complaint"... makes it sound like your just gonna keep coming up with complaints, or at least that what it seemed like. But I understood what you were saying was true. And I think the drawings can wait, I just wanted to give everyone an idea of what the characters looked like. I guess I'll take your comment about the drawings as a compliment? Thanks? Well, Thanks for continuing to push me along with this, I appreciate it.

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Well, since it wasn't quite full of stuff to comment on, I'm VERY happy with your updated work. You gave everybody likable personalities, and you made everyday life enjoyable to watch! I have no qualms with what you've written, except that you have VEEERY few grammar or spelling errors, but they don't matter. As long as you don't add in SUPAH-NATRAL stuff, or guys who run gangs who duel people and shoot them for no reason, I have no reason to stop reading this. Keep up the better work!

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