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A deck of worriors


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monsters worrior

Elemental hero bladege x2

elemental hero sparkman x2

elemantal hero avian x2

elemental hero clayman x2

gilford the legend x1

dark blade x1

worrior dai grepher x4

princess of tsuguri x2

worrior of zera x2

elemental hero burstinatrix x2


monsters dragon

luster dragon x1

luster dragon#2 x1


dinosaur monsters

Gilasauras x4


spell cards

fissure x1

magical mallet x1

lightnign vortex x2


trap cards

magic cylinder x4

cematary bomb x2

jar of greed x1

reinforcements x1

castle walls x2



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:roll: even my elemental hero deck was better then this, it didn't even have elemental flame wingman or thunder... you know what i should shut up cause my old deck is worse :P which is hard to belive...

actally, isn't this the 2007 starter deck on without that 4x magic cylinder and ect. it seems pretty identical, well not really. but kinda :shocked: [EPIC FAIL]

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@TC's deck:



Why ppl think Eheros pwn?

Because Jaden promoted them too much. And they end up building terrible E-Hero-Jaden-decks that just crash and burn.


Why ppl think Eheros pwn?


i don't know' date=' then again ive used them myself[/b']

E-Heros are actually relativley decent. Just, about 90% of everyone who makes a deck, makes it completly terrible.

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i agree with masked, but n00bs insist on running them a sh!tty way like this, actually i don't know if we can even call this a hero deck


but if there's one thing i do know.......


i know that it's time for "sonic sez"





Kids, it's me Sonic, and this is really starting to piss me off. n00bs on this site try and use the e-hero cards, but it's just giving heros a bad name. If used properly heros are actually really good cards, but if they're used like this they really suck monkey sh!t. these decks are called, "lolherodekz" and n00bs often makes these because they're trying to be Jaden's gay lover, and as all of us know, Jaden sucks monkey sh!t. So do yourself a favor and don't suck monkey sh!t and, DON'T BE A FREAKIN JADEN FAN BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!




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i agree with masked' date=' but n00bs insist on running them a sh!tty way like this, actually i don't know if we can even call this a hero deck


but if there's one thing i do know.......


i know that it's time for "sonic sez"





Kids, it's me Sonic, and this is really starting to piss me off. n00bs on this site try and use the e-hero cards, but it's just giving heros a bad name. If used properly heros are actually really good cards, but if they're used like this they really suck monkey sh!t. these decks are called, "lolherodekz" and n00bs often makes these because they're trying to be Jaden's gay lover, and as all of us know, Jaden sucks monkey sh!t. So do yourself a favor and don't suck monkey sh!t and, DON'T BE A FREAKIN JADEN FAN BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!





sounds like me :(

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