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Super Geartown V.1


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x2 Caius

x1 Cyber Dragon

x1 Tragoedia


x3 minefielddriller

x2 Green Gadget

x2 Red Gadget

x2 Yellow Gadget

x2 Gigantes

x1 Morphing Jar

x2 Breaker

x1 Rose

x1 Krebons

x1 Sangan



x2 Pot of Avi

x2 Magical Stone Excavation

x3 Geartown

x2 Fissure

x1 Limiter Removal

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 MST

x1 Terraforming

x1 Brain Control



x2 Royal Decree


Extra Deck: Generic



My proto type for the Super Geartown idea. I combined the gadgets with it, for they cause great hand advantage. I could OTK with that, or if I don't have the materials, use Magical Stone Exc. to dig up my past Geartowns or whatever spells i need. Then I have Avi to replenish the Deck and extra draw, along with Morphing Jar. This Deck is also capable of siding Future Fusion and Overload Fusion.



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That's because its "Minefielddriller". Its a Machine/EARTH/Level 4/1500 ATK/1500 DEF/ Effect: "When this face-up card is removed from the field, you can add 1 Field Spell Card from your Graveyard, to your hand."


Helps recycle the Geartowns and use them again incase I need to, or to get more AGGD out.

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