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..::[Wal-Mart 101]::..


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The whole point here is to think of 1 way to get kicked out of a Wal-Mart.

We need to think of 101 ways. I will count the number of posts.



No "I would rob the store... I would blow up the store.... I would buy the store"

Nothing to do with death. You must use things that are in the store.





I start. Turn on all of the Tvs in the store to a children's channel at max volume.

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Way 17: Take all of the barbies and rip the hair out. Take A roll of tape and put the hair on it to make a dress. Put the tape on fishingline than put the whole thing on. Make sure you're wearing a coconut bra and womans bakini bottom. Go out in the middle of the place and jump up and down while eating 3 bananas at once.

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ok then, almost everyone can not count, including me. Also, most of these ways fail. I only liked mine and the pokeball one, cus the rest were just plain randomness.


way 72: Walk into the womens clothing isle (If you are male, if not vice versa), and pick out a bakini. Change into it, leave the room and go to the checkout isle with loads of people, and ask if they carry a larger size. (Be wearing a very tight outfit!)

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