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The Ever-annoying nuisance

Felix Culpa

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I had this really annoying problem earlier today. It's called my parents. They were telling me toc lean up after my younger brother and all his friends because they had a party the previous night and my parents had earlier made a rule that stated "If you have a guest, you MUST clean up after them." My parents contradict themselves continuously, almost like Glen Beck. It gets really annoying.


Discuss your parental figures problems.

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I actually don't have a whole lot of problems with my parents other than the occasional disagreements. My mom complains a lot' date=' but that's basically it. Me and my dad get along quite well. He rarely ever yells at me and I rarely get fed up with him.



Please tell me exactly the details of when and where your parents became the best parents ever.

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I actually don't have a whole lot of problems with my parents other than the occasional disagreements. My mom complains a lot' date=' but that's basically it. Me and my dad get along quite well. He rarely ever yells at me and I rarely get fed up with him.



Please tell me exactly the details of when and where your parents became the best parents ever.


Uh...? I wouldn't call them the best parents EVER. Are they good parents? Most definitely. But, not the best EVER. They just don't really annoy me. They're not extremely strict, I can pretty much do whatever I want within a reasonable margin. I don't get yelled at for things that weren't my fault. I don't get yelled at for no reason. But, my mom does complain a lot about pretty much everything. That gets under my skin from time to time, but I rarely ever get completely fed up with them.

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