BANZAI!!!! Posted September 13, 2009 Report Share Posted September 13, 2009 Two things first.1. The plot is loosely based off of a CGI Movie called Digimon X evolution.2. Bear with the plot and rules before joining. The Digital World was being torn apart. War raged, and different groups were battling for control. Horrid atrocities were being committed on a daily basis. This was the breaking point for Yggdrasil, the supercomputer that ruled the digital world, who sent his "Royal Knights" to totally delete all of the warring digimon (about 98% of all digimon). The Royal Knights mercilessly and systematiclly wiped out millions of digimon. With only 14% of the digimon population remaining, resistance forces have risen up to fight the royal knights. At first, the resistance was sorely beaten in every engagement. However, BanchoLeomon rose to the occasion, and with new leadership, the resitance has begun to succede. The royal knights, outnumbered by the resistance forces, have begun to work in pairs, and have taken on a new member: Susanoomon. the pairs are:Omnimon-Alphamon (alphamon is missing, so omnimon works alone or with susanoomon)Dynasmon-CrusadermonDuftmon-GallantmonCraniummon-ExamonSusanoomon-OmnimonUlForce Veedramon-Magnamon Rules: SOME royal knights will be PC's. a royal knight spot comes on a first come-first serve basis. the knights are: Susanoomon, crusadermon, and magnamon. Your character MUST start out at champion level or lower (Except royal knights)Also, you must state your digivolution tree in your application. no one can have the same digivolution tree as someone else. Digivolution is semi-permanent. It only happens in dire need and a digimon de-digivolves only when near-death. If this happens, the digimon must still digivolve through the "Dire need situations." As size can be an issue on occasion, your character can be down sized or enlarged to a degree if you see fit. Just state the size change in your application.App.Name:Species:Digivolution Tree:Size Change(optional):Force(Resistance/royal knight forces):Personnality: here is my bio:Name: RailSpecies: GeoGreymonDigivolution tree: Koromon-Agumon-GeoGreymon-Rize Greymon-Shine Greymon-Shine Greymon Burst ModeSize change: Rail and his digivolutions are all around 6 to 7 feet tall.Force: ResistancePersonality: Rail is a calm, down to earth person. He knows his limits, but can get carried away. On the few occasions when he is angered, he either stays relatively calm, or, on extremely rare occasions, flies into a mad rage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted September 14, 2009 Report Share Posted September 14, 2009 Name: DataSpecies: ChrysallimonDigivolution Tree:Kuramon - Tsumemon - Keramon - Chrysallimon - Infermon - Diaboromon - ArmegeddemonSize Change(optional): all forms 30cm higher then usual..Force(Resistance/royal knight forces): ResistancePersonnality: Calm and strategising agt some times. He is usually hot-headed and easy to anger. hungry most of the time has been seen to eat data from destroyed digimon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted September 14, 2009 Report Share Posted September 14, 2009 So I assume we can use custom digimon right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 14, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 14, 2009 ooc: it depends I'll approve or deny it, but post your app. Anbu you're in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted September 14, 2009 Report Share Posted September 14, 2009 Name: MidosSpecies: OgremonDigivolution Tree: Botamon -> Koromon -> Goblimon -> Ogremon -> Mummymon -> PharoahmonSize Change: NoneForce: ResistancePersonality: Despite his outward appearance, he specks in tones and dialect worthy of a king. He is unusually intelligent for an Ogremon, thus allowing him to change strategies on the fly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 15, 2009 ooc: welcome aboard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2009 ooc: If you two are still interested we can start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted September 17, 2009 Report Share Posted September 17, 2009 Avast ye', I think I need to help support this RP. All Advanced RPs are deserving of help. Name: LyetSpecies: LordKnightmon (AKA, Crusadermon)Digivolution Tree: Puttomon -> Cupimon -> Patamon -> Piddomon -> Knightmon -> LordKnightmonSize Change(optional): Lyet, in all his humanoid forms, is smaller than usual; only about the size of an average human, about 6 feet. However, this only lends surprise to the incredible power he is able to release at levels even lower than Mega.Force: Royal KnightPersonality: Lyet has an interesting personality; He is incredible amiable, even when killing you. He is incredibly confident in himself, his own decisions, and never second-guesses what he thinks. He can make decisions on the fly, and has a talent for empathizing with those he kills, though still not showing any regret. He dislikes fighting, and is usually willing to strike up a bargain, though he always wishes to see justice done. He has an uncanny fascination with the notion of romance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 ooc: accepted, and how long is the minimum post in advanced rp's again? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted September 20, 2009 Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 ooc: If you two are still interested we can start.sure..and dont use ooc until after you start the rp kinda pointless otherwise Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 20, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 ooc: yes, i know its pointless, but its a force of habit. Otherwise i will forget to use it in the rp. Care to start us off? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted September 20, 2009 Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 ooc: ok im in the mood for starting posts since i just started my one off ^^and since you made bancholeomon your leader when i first looke i thought you were going to be them.. DataData floats as he moves over Using data crusher to smash a few objects he has found into data then eating the data increasing his own power and solving his hunger. "now that i've had my food i think it's time to go get started". Data floats over to Rail floating up a small bit so their heads are level. "hey, have we got a new mission from bancholeomon yet, i found some stuff to crush, it incuded this siny box-like thing". he then floats back down to usual level "so have we?". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrownedClown Posted September 20, 2009 Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 Yo, Blazin', mind if my character works under yours? Name RenaSpecies Renamon (Female)Digivolution Tree Relemon > Viximon > Renamon > Kyuubimon > Taomon > SakuyamonSize Change Relemon=6" > Viximon=8" > Renamon=6'8" > Kyuubimon=7'(What's when she is on All Fours and standing normally) > Taomon=7'4" > Sakuyamon=7'8"Force Solo (She's like a Real Ninja, she changes from side-to-Side, But she will start with the Royal Knights)Personality Rena is usually Calm, Collective and Quiet. She (like LordKnightmon) doesn't understand what Romance is, but she finds it an "Interesting Subject". When she is on a mission, she likes to do it Quickly and Quietly. But, despite being Calm and Collective, she is also Very emotional to those she is close to (Such a LordKnightmon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted September 20, 2009 Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 (OC; Not at all, CC Addict. Oh, and Zaifire, Advanced is at least 4 full sentences/Lines per post. ANBU_Leader's post is around the minimum acceptability.) "...And commit your Data to the winds of Yggdrasil, wherein it will become a part of the new order, from whichin our species may once again thrive. On my oath as Royal Knight, and by the Light of Yggdrasil, I honor your sacrifices and pray they may aid those who shall succeed yourselves."Lyet finished his incantation, as his Rhode-shield was laid upon the ground crowning a large hill, held upright by his hand. A small cross made of two wooden planks had been stuck firmly into the ground atop the hill. Lyet smiled a little through his mask, and picked up his shield. He nodded at the cross, and placed the palm of his free hand across the top of the shield to support it. The small blue bauble in the center of his shield had been pointed outward, towards the place where the hill overlooked- a small village of Digimon. Most were of of the Child Level, with only a couple Champians mixed in. He noticed some In-Training bouncing around too- Apparently, the village had been some sort of nursery before it had grown. That figured why the Royal Knights had missed it, of course. Most were looking for the highest concentration of Data, and would miss those with such small amounts as this. There was a click as a small second of his shield opened up, revealing a metal panel. The core of the shield had turned red. Lyet nodded. He had been waiting for his shield to attune to the data of the area, otherwise he might not get as clean a shot as he wanted. In matters such as this, speed and efficiency were of utmost importance. Other Royal Knights just threw their strongest attacks at their quarry, with no thought to the possible survivors, who would be in pain and filled with thoughts of hatred. Better for them to die healthy, happy and without even knowing death had come for them, he mused. In fact, death was perhaps the wrong term to use; it was Rebirth. Yggdrasil had decreed that the digimon population had to be renewed, and therefor, it shall be, and become stronger for it. His shield whined slightly. It was at max capacity. "Scarlet..." He started, feeling the heat building in his weapon. "TEMPEST!"He cried, as the core of the shield exploded into a rapidly growing flame, quickly transforming into a white-hot juggernaut. Seconds later, the village had not even existed. The burning flames from the LordKnightmon's shield had erased everything; A large void, a barren circle of dirt and remaining data, shimmered in the sunlight. It was beauty, he mused. The stark nothing concentrated with the shimmering ethereal essence of his fallen fellows. He felt sadness at their lost, but elation for what they would receive in time. He turned and walked down the hill, leaving only the small wooden cross in his wake. (OOC NOTE- For the record, I watch the Japanese version of Digimon more than the English, so this is the system of levelling I use- Baby -> In-Training -> Child -> Champion -> Perfect -> Mega. I NEVER use the term ultimate, becauseUltimate actually means Mega in the Japanese version, so it gets a little confusing). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 ooc: C.C., welcome aboard. also i'll be Npc'ing royal knights as needed. "Great work, partner." Said Baal, the royal knights' Dynasmon, as he landed next to lyet. "The sky here has been cleared, as well. So, care to deliver the report to Yggdrasil for me? Those airdramon took it out of me. I guess Bancholeomon's air wing is improving." Meanwhile, Rail stood distracted by the utter lack of clouds in the sky at that particular moment. "Have we got a new mission from banchleomon yet?" "Unfortnately, we..." he stopped as a large plume of smoke billowed over the hills in front of them. "Yes, we do. Right now. I just hope we aren't too late!" And with that he took off toward what was left of the village. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted September 21, 2009 Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 Lyet nodded. "Very well then. Don't be long; Chances are some of the rebels noticed the smoke and steam." He said, then sighed. "It's amazing how wrong such upstanding and respectable Digimon like those in BanchoLeomon's army can be. If only they used their talents for more reasonable pursuits..." He said, wistlessly. For a moment, he seemed about the leap into the air, then thought better of it and walked off on foot towards the North, where Yggdrasil was located. For a regular digimon, the travel would take weeks, if not months. However, Yggdrasil was the God of the Digital World; whenever one of his disciples wanted to find him, they'd generally find him pretty quickly, regardless of where they happened to be travelling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 "Ghhaaaaaa!!!!!" Baal yelled as he hit the ground, the side of his face burnt from the mega flame attack from rail. "Damn! A Cheap Shot!" He said getting up."I know that didn't hurt. You spineless worm! Get up! You think you're getting out of here alive , now?! Huh!? Those were defenseless Kids you killed! How dare You!!!!!" With that, Rail ran at Baal, preparing his mega burst attack to fire. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted September 21, 2009 Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 DataData then floats up behind baal. "you do realise that you could of waited for this first, dont you?". "Data Crusher" he says shoothing at Baal's back. he then floats over to the side away from them and charges his Internet Surge attack. "you do kno i can take him too right?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 21, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2009 ooc: Not here it doesn't, as that is godmoding to the max. So edit the post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted September 22, 2009 Report Share Posted September 22, 2009 Lyet heard the booms of battle in the background, and instantly assumed that some part of BanchouLeomon's army had found them. He shook his head, tisking slightly, but didn't walk back; Baal could handle himself around a group of regular Champions, he was a Royal Knight for Yggdrasil's sake. Lyet himself had seen his partner's raw strength in battle, and could attest that it was nothing to scuff at. He paused for a second as he noticed a small digital flower. It was white, with a black eye and stem. Flecks, which were on close examination tiny pieces of binary code, speckled the otherwise perfect white petals. He smiled a little, and tucked it away in a small satchel on his side while continuing his walk. He could already sense the almighty pulse of Yggdrasil's code though the very ground- the World Tree was the center of all processing in the digital world, and that pulse was like the heartbeat that governed everything. He shook his head once again at the stupidity of those who rebelled. Why, oh why, did they think it was intelligent to go up against the heart of their world? It was like cutting out your own heart, because it tried to pump your blood in a different way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BANZAI!!!! Posted September 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 "True. Still, This guy's goin' down, with or without your help. Now!" Rail headbutted baal in the chest, hurling him upward. Baal, however, countered this and used the momentum gained from is fall to knock rail down with a strong punch. "Next, YOU!" Baal ran at Data, landing five successive punches in less than a second. "Now see the power of a royal knight!!!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemini.EXE Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Name: Akuma Species: Boogeymon Digivolution Tree: Yaamon ---> Impmon ---> Boogeymon ---> SkullSatamon ---> Beelzebumon ---> Beelzebumon Blast ModeSize Change(optional): Force(Resistance/royal knight forces): ResistancePersonality: Normally lazy, and sarcastic to a fault. He is always itching for a fight, unless it's something out of his league, and will try to make a tactical retreat. He can sometimes fly off the handle when angered and his rational thinking goes out the window. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 DataData then uses Internet surge attack blasting his head at close range. "hmm... i see no power here buddy". he then floats up out of reach and launc hes multiple data crushers at the royal knights head. "you see pure power won't beat me, it'll just give me more of a boost when i feed". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted September 25, 2009 Report Share Posted September 25, 2009 Lyet smiled a little as he saw the gigantic roots that formed the body of Yggdrasil's form. True, this was not where Yggdrasil used to be, but few people seemed to realize that Yggdrasil was everywhere. Though it was true that their true base, around the cord that contained the information that formed the entire digital world, was within a massive tree from which Yggdrasil grew into, the Digital God could create a massive chamber that would bring him to the central system, no matter where his allies were. Lyet smiled a little as he felt the comforting hum of electricity about him. The inside was dark, but inviting. He made his way to the Circle- the gathering of panels that were the connections of the Royal Knights to their God, which allowed the digital entity to watch them and grant them his power. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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