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Is there a card with this effect?

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Is there a card that has the effect of canceling out LP damage? let me give an example.


Lets say I have a magic card or monster card that say pay 500 LP to negate an attack. Is there another Spell Card that lets you do the action without taking any LP damage' date=' like it cancels it out?



For canceling out damage, there are a lot. For canceling out costs, here are a few:



And two that work for Psychics only:



EDIT: Burnpsy beat me to it.

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Ya' date=' but that's just for activation, not for continuous spell payments...or monster costs. The question is this: Is there a card than, any time during play, cancels out costs?



I can't of a generic one. I can't even think of one that isn't generic. I suppose two of these could work:


That's the only thing I can think of that's even remotely close to your idea.

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Spell Economics is cool... I havent ever seen that card, what pack did it come out in?


Its pretty close to what I was talking about, plus it is continuous, so that is cool....Lets say someone has a monster card that u must pay 500 LP each turn to keep it on the field, Is there a spell card that lets u and cancels the cost....Those other cards are cool, i just have never used a psychic card..

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Yea for something like Mirror wall or Graverobber.. where you can use its effect' date=' but cancel out the LP damage...



You're getting self-damage and cost confused. Many cards can let you stop Graverobber's damage. Not a lot, if anything, can stop Mirror Wall's cost.

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Guest PikaPerson01

I'm surprised this topic hasn't devolved into a "lol ur stupid" - fest, insulting a player just because he seemed new...


As for Graverobber specifically, it's taking damage, not paying cost. The two are fundamentally different, so the cards that can be used to negate them are also different. As for what works well against effect damage, I'd recommend: Prime Material Dragon or Des Wombat. There are a few other choices, such as Rainbow Life or Cyber Kirin, but I would definitely NOT recommend those.

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