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True Spirit type monsters, based on Japanese Folklore. Updated monthly. NEW CARDZ!!!!

Great Unclean One: VK


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Plz fix and or rate. I only typed what i remembered about them in the legends. Also, I'm tired of people keep on saying that spirits are dead.




[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your Battle Phase, all face down defense position monsters are flipped up, all flip effects are not activated.



[spoiler= Legend]

Amaterasu is the daughter of Izanagi. She is the sun goddess and one of the most important gods or kami. Her brother is Susa. One of her many minions of Yata, a three legged crow. She is also believed to be the great ancestor of all royal families of japan.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your stand by phase, you can switch this card's attack points with it's defense points.




A BakeNeko is a cat that can bring the dead back to life by just jumping over them. They are evil spirits in form of cats. They also stand on their hind legs also.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. If this card attacks a effect monster, this card gains 500 attack points.



[spoiler= Legend]

Byakko is the tiger of the west. In china, it's believed once a tiger is old enough, it'll become white and quite powerful, much like the kitsune of japan.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card destroys a monster by battle, you gain 800 life points.



[spoiler= Legend]

The japanese Big Foot.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned if you remove from play a Spirit type monster from your side of the field. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is special Summoned. You gain 500 life points for each Spirit monster in your graveyard. During your stand by phase, you can remove from play a Spirit monster from your graveyard to special summon a Spirit type monster from your deck.



[spoiler= Legend]

Inari Kami is the patron god of black smiths, schoolars, and warriors. She/He is have foxes.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. You can only special summon this card by tributing a level 5 or higher monster. You gain life points equal to the defense points of the tributed monster.



[spoiler= Legend]

A Inukami is a dog god. Usually made by giving a dog a horrible and painfull death. Then the spirit will know the same pain as you and will reek venege on your behave. But if it is displeased, it will usually process you.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is targeted for attack, you can discard a card to negate the attack.



[spoiler= Legend]

Kitsunes are trickers that are foxes. They are described also to be enchanting wifes and mothers, the children usually, gifted with magical properties.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is destroyed by battle, destroy 1 monster on the field, your opponent takes damage equal to the attack points of the destroyed monster.



[spoiler= Legend]

Onryos are spirits that came back to reak revenge on not the individual that they hated, but humanity. The best known example is Sadako Yamamura, also known as The Ringu Girl.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During each of your stand by phases, this card gains 500 attack points.



[spoiler= Legend]

In lore, once a object turns 100 years old, it becomes alive.






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your Battle Phase, all monsters on your side of the field gains 400 attack points.



[spoiler= Legend]

Zashiki-warashi are children spirits that usually play pranks on a household, but brings great fortune, paying too much attention to it will cause it to go away, thus causing the house great bad luck.





[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. You can remove this card and another Spirit type monster from play in your graveyard to reduce all battle damage taken this turn to 0.



[spoiler= Legend]

A Obake is a ghost of a woman who died in childbirth. She returns from the underworld to care for her child, usually leaving treats and money.





[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card inflicts battle damage, you take damage equal to it.



[spoiler= Legend]

A Oni is the japanese version of a demon, there are usually 2 types, 1 from the underworld, and the other is man eating.





[spoiler= Card Lore]

Special summon as many Yokai Tokens (Fiend-type/Dark/Level 1/ATK 0/ DEF/ 0) as possible in defense position.



[spoiler= Legend]

Once a year, a parade of a 100 demons happen. If anyone was to see it, they would be killed.





[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. Select one monster on the field. You can special summon a monster from your hand. That monster cannot declare a attack. For each Winged-Beast type monster on the field, this card gains 100 attack points.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. Select one monster on the field. That monster cannot attack, activate it's effect, and can not be tributed. When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster.



[spoiler= Legend]

Yuki, which means snow, and onna, meaning young girl or lass. It is said they appear during winter, in a blizzard, they entice young men who finds them, then freeze them to death. Imagine a Ice Succumbus.





[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your Battle Phase, flip a coin. If the outcome is heads, select one monster on the field, and send it to the graveyard. If tails, lose 1000 life points.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your stand by phase, you can return any number of spell and trap cards on your opponent's field equal to the number of Spirit type monsters on the field.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your stand by phase, you can destroy number any number of monsters on your opponent's field equal to the number of Spirit type monsters in your hand.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is summoned, you can look at the top of your deck. If it's a monster, special summon it.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your battle phase, all your Warrior and Spirit type monsters are unaffected by card effects, at your end phase, you lose 2000 life points.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. All Light atribute monsters on the field cannot be destroyed by card effects.



[spoiler= Legend]






* I purposly made this card to be Limited.

[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your draw phase, if the card you draw is a monster, special summon it ignoring it's summoning requirements. If it's a spell card, it's treated as a quick play card, if its a trap card, you can activate it when you set it. When this card is removed from the field, remove it from play.



[spoiler= Legend]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be special summoned. This card returns to its owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn it is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. During your stand by phase, you gain 100 life points equal for each card in your graveyard.



[spoiler= Legend]






EDIT: if you haven't notice, I try to make the effects copy what they do in the legends, if I couldn't, I make up effects.


Will add more when I've found more pics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

very good demon' date=' very good. Considering the artwork is great and you have little erros in OCG [along with good effects'] I am impressed.


Normally an 8/10


But since you were able to have most of their effects go along with what the legends say about them . . . 9/10!






I'm sorry, I can't really type in english japanese words.


But thanks, the only problems are finding pics that goes with the spirits. The effects are easy, I just need, pics........listen, I'm now giving a 20 points bounty on Japanese Folklore pics.

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