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[PREVIEW] Millennium Puzzle


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This is an accurate representation of Yugi invoking the "Heart of the Cards" belief (which is being able to draw the 1 card you needed for a dire situation during a duel).


Note: Yugi's item does not have the match winning effect because he would never use his Millennium Puzzle that way. Therefore its omitted.

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what do you mean broken, there are a few things your opponent has to do during his end phase like discard extra cards, during that process your allowed to pick a card from your deck preferably one you really need on your upcoming turn and place it on the top of your deck after you reshuffled it. You Draw phase comes literally right after your opponent ends his turn, so you already know what your going to draw because you picked it out. this is good for getting yourself out of a bad situation or turning the tide of the duel.

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not even that.

it would be forbidden.

traditional yes. but still, realistic cards mean advanced cards.

ill set the situation.

my opponent has 5 monsters, avg 2000 atk.

im left with 500 lifepoints after all the atks.

millenium puzzles effect. i get raigeki out.

bang, bye bye monsters.

its too unfair.

idea is good. but its just not balanced.

if the effect was useable by the opponent. then it would be fair.

otherwise its not a fair card.

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i see your point, but that scenario you mentioned actually sounds like a Yugi-Miracle Win moment. To be honest he has won many duels just like the scenario you described in the manga and anime. yeah i guess ill put the rest in pop culture, since this section is for advance format.

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