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Direct Dark Deck


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I got this idea while inside of a Comic Shop searching for some decent cards.


Monsters: 19

x1 DAD

x1 Dark General Freed

x3 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

x3 Pitch-Dark Dragon

x3 Kiryu

x3 Dark Blade

x3 Mystic Tomato

x2 Krebons

x1 Sangan


Spell: 16

x2 The Warrior Returning Alive

x2 Twin Swords of Flashing Light-Tryce

x2 Burial from a Different Dimension

x2 Foolish Burial

x2 Allure of Darkness

x1 Future Fusion

x1 Reinforcements of the Army

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Polymerization


Trap: 7

x1 Mirror Force

x2 Dark Bribe

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole

x1 Torrential Tribute

x1 Return from a Different Dimension


Total: 42


Extra Deck:

x2 Dark Blade The Dragon Knight

x1 Five-Headed Dragon



Any suggestions?

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Most of these cards are alittle old, but they still kick A$$.


22 Monsters

Marauding Captain x2

Mystic Tomato x2

Wall Of Illusion x2

Renge,Gatekeeper Of DarkWorld x2

Archfiend Soldier x2

Vampire Lord

Patrician Of Darkness

La Jinn Genie Of The Lamp

D.D. Trainer

Mefist The Infernal General

Slate Warrior

Spirit Reaper

Dark Crusader

Destiny Hero-Dasher

Summoned Skull

Beast Of Talwar

Raviel,Lord Of Phantasms


9 Spells

Double Summon

Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm

Nobleman Of Crossout

Monster Reborn

Lightning Vortex

Kaiser Colosseum

Wave-Motion Cannon

Final Countdown


10 Traps

Trap Hole x2

Solemn Wishes

Ultimate Offering

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Threatning Roar

Dust Tornado


Hard-Sellin' Zombie

Transmigration Break

41 Cards Total

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Most of these cards are alittle old' date=' but they still kick A$$.


22 Monsters

Marauding Captain x2

Mystic Tomato x2

Wall Of Illusion x2

Renge,Gatekeeper Of DarkWorld x2

Archfiend Soldier x2

Vampire Lord

Patrician Of Darkness

La Jinn Genie Of The Lamp

D.D. Trainer

Mefist The Infernal General

Slate Warrior

Spirit Reaper

Dark Crusader

Destiny Hero-Dasher

Summoned Skull

Beast Of Talwar

Raviel,Lord Of Phantasms


9 Spells

Double Summon

Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm

Nobleman Of Crossout

Monster Reborn

Lightning Vortex

Kaiser Colosseum

Wave-Motion Cannon

Final Countdown


10 Traps

Trap Hole x2

Solemn Wishes

Ultimate Offering

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Threatning Roar

Dust Tornado


Hard-Sellin' Zombie

Transmigration Break

41 Cards Total



No. This is just random and bad.

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Exactly. With these cards I can keep just about anyone stalled long enough for final countdown' date=' or wave-motion cannon to kill them.



Don't rape Final Countdown!

I will murder your entire family for doing that!

It pisses me of big time when people like you make fun of the lollest cards ever invented. Do that once more and you'll be negged.


OT: 7 Dragons, 1 Future Fusion?

If you want a Dark Dragon Deck, go for Hopeless DAD.

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TC, Remove the following:

x2 Double Attack

x2 Miracle Dig

Double Attack seems a bit iffy and Miracle Dig is kinda' un-needed.


Add a Reinforcement of the Army, and I cant belive that I'm mentioning it, Twin-Swords of Flashing Light. It seems to work here better then Double Attack.


And wheres Heavy Storm? O,o

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Personally' date=' I don't like them either. I prefer old-school Blue-Eyes.



You mean with stuff like Ancient Rules, Paladin of White Dragon, and what not? Yeah, those were the days...


BTW, I have a BEWD deck in my sig if you hadn't checked it out yet.


I did, I checked it out a couple of times, but I'm too lazy to post/too dumb to fix.


You should use 'Treasure of Harmony' in it.

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