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A Couple Darth Singles

Parting Shot

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[align=center]Just thought I'd make a couple cards in honor of a couple people I know. One is to honor someone who recently returned and the other is to honor someone I haven't seen in awhile and miss very much.





Effect: When you inflict Battle Damage to your opponent, you gain 500 Life Points. Your opponent cannot select another Fairy-Type monster you control as an attack target. When this card is destroyed, increase your Life Points by 200 for each Fairy-Type monster in your Graveyard.



Effect: Once per turn, when 1 monster you control would be destroyed, it is not destroyed. You can Tribute this card to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that destroys 2 or more monsters you control, and destroy that card.




Artist Credits:

Planet Renders

DA Artists for the Glyph Brushes[/align]

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That's kinda sweet. (^_^)


10/10. They're perfect (at least for me) XD

Thanks! I'm glad you like them.


*facepalms* Darth' date=' the first card is better suited to give to your future gf on valentines day


still, for your efforts and since it's been so long since I've seen a card from you I'll give you the 10/10


Haha, I'd rather have your honest grade than a pity 10/10 :P. Even so, thanks! Also, in regards to the first pic, the person it's for really likes cute things, so this seemed fitting. I do admit maybe it's not quite perfect, but I think it's fine. ;)


I like the second card's pic' date=' the first is just retarted, but it has a good balanced effect.


I highly doubt the first pic is any more retarded than the pics for cards like Happy Lover, etc ;). I am happy you think they're balanced, as that's what I worry about most when making cards ^_^

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That's kinda sweet. (^_^)


10/10. They're perfect (at least for me) XD

Thanks! I'm glad you like them.


*facepalms* Darth' date=' the first card is better suited to give to your future gf on valentines day


still, for your efforts and since it's been so long since I've seen a card from you I'll give you the 10/10


Haha, I'd rather have your honest grade than a pity 10/10 :P. Even so, thanks! Also, in regards to the first pic, the person it's for really likes cute things, so this seemed fitting. I do admit maybe it's not quite perfect, but I think it's fine. ;)


I like the second card's pic' date=' the first is just retarted, but it has a good balanced effect.


I highly doubt the first pic is any more retarded than the pics for cards like Happy Lover, etc ;). I am happy you think they're balanced, as that's what I worry about most when making cards ^_^


you would have gotten the 10/10 from me as an honest grade anyway Darth.

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I did' date=' I just wouldn't give such a card to my gf on valentines day, she'd end up cuddling it more than paying attention to me




Nothing I can say. Except 10/10


That's enough to make me happy ^_^



This is exactly the reason why you can't buy TOO cute cards on that day.........


Returning to the topic, you going to have a support for them?

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I'd guessed the 1st was for J-Max, but who's the 2nd one for? I can't guess... Also, I take you made the images? 'Cause they're so frickin' awesome. I really, really, love them, and you're making me jealous T_T Also, both cards are awesome really balanced, the best I've seen in a while.

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I'd guessed the 1st was for J-Max' date=' but who's the 2nd one for? I can't guess... Also, I take you made the images? 'Cause they're so frickin' awesome. I really, really, love them, and you're making me jealous T_T Also, both cards are awesome really balanced, the best I've seen in a while.


Well, the renders and background images are from PlanetRenders, and the circle brushes are from DA, but I put them all together if that's what you mean :P. I'm glad you like them. And, yay for balance! ^_^


Yep. Everything's perfect. Just what I'd expect.


Heh, thanks!

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