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The Adventures of Mr. Clean & the Cleanliness Brigade [Basic]

The Warden

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Welcome to Clean'n'Shine, the spick and span city located in some nondescript country on some generic continent. It is a clean and sparkling city commanded by the honourable Mayor W. Ashing. But, like any generic city in a generic country, it has its own set of villains, and of course heroes. Clean'n'Shine is protected by Mr. Clean and the Cleanliness Brigade from the dirty and unhygienic powers of Mr. Dirt and his Grimies. It is up to the Cleanliness Brigade to save the day, one grease patch at a time.



1. This is meant to be a fun, humouress and wacky RP. Why so serious?

2. This will in turn play out like one of the cartoons of old, because 'knowing is half the battle'.

3. Basic spelling and grammer skills are required. If not, LEARN TWO SPELL!

4. All basic YCM rules do apply.

5. If you decide to play as a Cleanliness Brigadiers, you can use the name of known cleaning products as an added joke.

6. Remember the bolded Boingo boingo bacon whoopsie knickers. It is the password.


::Cleanliness Brigadier Form::



Hero Name:





Cleanliness Power: (such as creating soap, cleaning grese, be creative)

Catch Phrase: (optional)



::Grimy Form::



Grimy Name:





Grimy Power: (such as spreading grease, spitting oil, be creative)



[spoiler=Accepted Cleanliness Brigadiers]

Username: BrokenHeart15

Name: Johnny Clean

Hero Name: Mr. Clean

Gender: M

Age: 37

Personality: Talks very cleanly, a cleaning nut pretty much.

Appearance: He wears a clean white shirt marked with 'MC' on it. His pants are black leather and he is bald. His teeth are sparkly white.

Cleanliness Power: Spick & Span - Can convert lesser Grimies back into regular humans. Otherwise, it removes grease, grim and dirt.

Catch Phrase: 'Mr. Clean gets rid of dirt and grime and grease in just a minute'.


Username: shadowferret

Name: Wally Martin (Goes by Wal-Mart)

Hero Name: Equatte

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Personality: Kinda generic, frugal, and is open to everyone and anything -- all night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (And if you work for him, you get a 10% discount!)

Appearance: Wears a blue shirt and tan pants. Prematurely balding. Kinda short. Mexican.

Cleanliness Power: Makes surface sqeuaky clean and shiny! Such as tiles, wooden floors, etc...

Catch Phrase: "Always low prices, always... to KICK EVIL'S BUTT WITH! OH YEAH!"



[spoiler=Accepted Grimies]

Username: Lunar Roze

Name: Slime

Grimy Name: Ms. Slime

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Personality: While commiting crimes, she acts sadistic in a way, evil, and scatter brained. She isn't the ideal evil villan. She messes up so many times. Not to mention she's clumsy.

Appearance: Her hair is black and is cut aorung her chin. Her eyes are a moss green. Her outfit is a green frilly puffy dress. She also wears a black mask to cover around her eyes when commiting crimes. Other times, she is wearing glasses and a respected uniform for girls for a private collage.

Grimy Power: She can control sewage and spread it around as long as its near by (as in 5 feet away)


Username: WinterNights

Name: Rusty Z.

Grimy Name: The Ruster

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Personality: Rusty is very shy. He lives and works in a auto-repair shop. Evil-doing runs in the family, so every night he goes out to spread rust throughout the city. Rusty seems reclusive during the day, but while he is out evil-doing, he is bold and sure of himself.

Appearance: Rusty has red hair and is a bit short. In normal life he usually wears jeans and his auto-shop uniform. While out doing evil, he wears a red suit and paints his face red.

Grimy Power: Rusty can spread rust to whatever he touches. This can be used to seal close doors, stop machinery, etc.


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::Cleanliness Brigadier Form::

Username: shadowferret

Name: Wally Martin (Goes by Wal-Mart)

Hero Name: Equate

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Personality: Kinda generic, frugal, and is open to everyone and anything -- all night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (And if you work for him, you get a 10% discount!)

Appearance: Wears a blue shirt and tan pants. Prematurely balding. Kinda short. Mexican.

Cleanliness Power: Makes surface sqeuaky clean and shiny! Such as tiles, wooden floors, etc...

Catch Phrase: "Always low prices, always... to KICK EVIL'S BUTT WITH! OH YEAH!"

Password: [spoiler=I got confused!]

Is it Boingo Boingo Whoopsie Knickers....

Or bacon...?


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This rp looks fun. I was hoping someone would put up a wacky, crazy rp.


::Grimy Form::

Username:Lunar Roze

Name: Slime

Grimy Name:Ms. Slime

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Personality: While commiting crimes, she acts sadistic in a way, evil, and scatter brained. She isn't the ideal evil villan. She messes up so many times. Not to mention she's clumsy.

Appearance: Her hair is black and is cut aorung her chin. Her eyes are a moss green. Her outfit is a green frilly puffy dress. She also wears a black mask to cover around her eyes when commiting crimes. Other times, she is wearing glasses and a respected uniform for girls for a private collage.

Grimy Power: She can control sewage and spread it around as long as its near by (as in 5 feet away)

Password:Boingo boingo whoopsie knickers

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Hmm, might as well. Um, let's make it even.


::Grimy Form::


Name:Rusty Z.

Grimy Name:The Ruster



Personality:Rusty is very shy. He lives and works in a auto-repair shop. Evil-doing runs in the family, so every night he goes out to spread rust throughout the city. Rusty seems reclusive during the day, but while he is out evil-doing, he is bold and sure of himself.

Appearance:Rusty has red hair and is a bit short. In normal life he usually wears jeans and his auto-shop uniform. While out doing evil, he wears a red suit and paints his face red.

Grimy Power:Rusty can spread rust to whatever he touches. This can be used to seal close doors, stop machinery, etc.

Password:Boingo boingo whoopsie knickers

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