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J-Max vs Кинг Ирон (Vote now!)


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Well after coming back to YCM and stretching my WIngs with a few cards I would like to extend the Challenge for any Member who would like to face me. I will be allowing you to choose the Attribute & Type BUT it is only 1 card ^_^ As a Custom Cards Moderator I understand that a few of you will try and vote for me due to Bias but BE SURE TO READ THE CARDS! lol. First Member to 5 Votes wins and only Votes thaState a reason in the Topic will be counted.


So who wants a piece of the Pokevolution Master eh? ;)


[spoiler=Кинг Ирон's Card]298616e.jpg

When this card and "Terrorbug King" are on the field at the same time, you can Special Summon one level 5 or lower "Terrorbug" monster from your hand. if this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Normal Monster from your hand. If the Summoned monster is destroyed during the next 3 of your opponent's turns, Special Summon 1 "Terrorbug Token" (Insect-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 500) to your opponent's side of the field. During each of yor Standby Phases, draw 1 card for every "Terrorbug Token" your opponent controls.


[spoiler=J-Max's card]48078.jpg

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned to your field by removing 2 Insect-Type monsters you control from play. This card is also treated as Spellcaster-Type. When a Insect-Type monster you control is destroyed in battle, you can discard 1 card from your hand to Special Summon 1 Insect-Type monster from your hand or Deck with a level equal to or lower then the destroyed monster. Each time you use this effect, increase the DEF of this card by 500.


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My card:


When this card and "Terrorbug King" are on the field at the same time, you can Special Summon one level 5 or lower "Terrorbug" monster from your hand. if this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Normal Monster from your hand. If the Summoned monster is destroyed during the next 3 of your opponent's turns, Special Summon 1 "Terrorbug Token" (Insect-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 500) to your opponent's side of the field. During each of yor Standby Phases, draw 1 card for every "Terrorbug Token" your opponent controls.

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Before I vote, I would just like to say: J-Max, you totally lost your skill.


J-Max: Wording and grammar problems, quite similar to the case in the Legendary Card-Makers Club. Gotta fix that. But I love your idea on the effect, just make it a bit longer. ^_^


Кинг Ирон: A few OCG and wording errors. I can even see a spelling mistake. But still, nice effort.


J-Max gets my vote.

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Yes J-Max you have some grammar mistakes like "When a Insect-Type monster" = "When an Insect-Type monster"


But J-Max gets my vote, I personally like the picture more but with the colourful butterflies I think you should have made it be treated as a Fairy-Type.


As for Кинг Ирон his card would have been better if it wasn't for the pic, and I really don't like cards that has effects on other cards that I don't know (The Terrorbug thingy) so you can say I like independant cards ;)


My Vote => J-Max

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