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The Draw Of Destiny (Trap Card)


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Relivance: 8/10 the relivance between the card effect and the card name is there and a little in the picture, however the picture doesn't suggest a 2000 atk point monster has threatened the user or a monster in anyway so it kinds doesnt feel like it fits together.


Quality: 10/10 not OP and perfect OCG, well done :)


Picture: 6/10 the hand is a little too blurred, maybe needs sharpening abit. and also the background could do with some colour :)


Overall: 24/30 = 8/10

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Might want to add the discard bit to the cost, otherwise it can make those Dark World decks even crazier. Change it to Counter trap as stated before. And I agree with lowering the drawn cards, 5 is a brand new hand. Or need 5 cards to discard as well. Either way, needs some balancing. Pic is okay. OCG is for the most part fine. If anything the "five new cards" could be trimmed down to "5 cards." But that's also me just being overly nit picky.


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