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Felix Culpa

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Emporer Napoleon Bonaparte.


Bonaparte rose to power after the French revolution as an elected leader of post-revolution society. Bonaparte then attacked foreign powers (England) and started wars in expanding France. He then declared himself emporer of the newly made "empire" that was France. After this tyrannical act, he was ostracized from France, sent to a small island known as Elba. This island is actually a setting in the pre-novel plot of the Count of Monte Cristo, where Edmond Dantes was sent to deliver a message to a Bonapartist to relay to the Emporer (off topic a bit, but yes.)

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Off-topic: It was still spam.


On topic: Get on topic.


I myself believe that Napoleon was a brilliant general albeit a general with Napoleon Syndrome. He was very self-concious about his height, getting his frame taken for paintings meant he was to be taller in the painting, or it be a bust. It was very intriguing.

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No, no Dark. Minimodding is spamming by saying "reported" or negrepping someone for breaking a rule.


Napoleon was very power-centered, being a leader only fueling that more. He was very bold when he did that, honestly, because I doubt the French army at the time could handle that. The so-called French empire was nothing more than France, simple as that. He was put in power after the French revolution revolted against the governments and beheaded Louis XVI and Mary Antoinette.

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Off-topic: It was still spam.


No, it was perfectly legitimate. Just because you don't happen to like reality doesn't mean it isn't.


You're not posing any intellectual questions, there's no discussion to be had, and you'll have no intellectual responses. Not that you'd have any, even if you did, this being YCM. "Napoleon was a pretty cool guy" is about the only on-topic response you could hope for here. Then there's the fact that we actually have an actually legit topic about Napoleon on the front page of General. >_>


As your goal here is impossible, your topic and all reports within it are invalid. Either that or your goal's actually to make yourself look like a total fool by reporting all who comment in your thread, in which case you're succeeding.

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If you blow up a French Kitchwn' date=' you get Linoleum Blownapart



Wow... I lol'd far too hard at that.


Please explain, I don't understand the joke. My fail detector went off like crazy.


Linoleum is a type of flooring commonly used in a kitchen. Blownapart comes from... well... Blowing up a kitchen. It's supposed to be a play on his name. It just kinda rhymes. It's really not that funny. It's one of those "disappointed at yourself for laughing" moments.

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If you blow up a French Kitchwn' date=' you get Linoleum Blownapart



Either I don't understand that, or it was a fail attempt at a joke/pun.


It was the latter, my good fellow.


And in response to your earlier question, France did not expand to any substantial size, besides what it already was. After the Napoleonic Wars, it was granted its colonies back.

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Gotta love Humans.

The part where they basically performed Mutiny because they didn't agree with his acts. Could have very well saved millions of lives. And it is the life of one, who influenced the death of the many.


The fact that they exiled him, rather than killing him, shows great compassion. Instead of outright murdering him.


Haha. Seems like the act that lead to his downfall and the events following seems far more interesting than the man himself.

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