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Pokemon Nickname Thread

david 10101

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[align=center]This is pretty much for nicknames that you called your Pokemon. Please don't steal nicknames or make fun of them. It's not nice and i won't allow it.



  1. No Off-Topic Discussions
  2. No spamming
  3. No flaming
  4. No stealing anyone's nicknames
  5. No making fun of peoples nicknames
  6. Please don't tell dirty nicknames, this is an E-rated game.


That's Pretty Much It. So I'll Start Off.


Mamoswine: SwineFlu

Cloyster: Spikster

Lucario: Braveheart

Gengar: Spookster

Salamence: Ryu

Espeon: LemonLime

Cresselia: Ms. Luna

Gliscor: Night Wing

Weavile: Ice Claw

Alakazam: Cereal?

Jirachi: Shooting Star

Zapdos: Thundercloud

Bronzong: Heavy Metal

Abomasnow: Obamasnow


That's it ^_^[/align]

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Skarmory - Sky Armor (anagram lol) (^_^)


Torterra: Island Home

Bronzong: Lazers

Gardevuar: Ms ToTo

Mightiena: Lil B Dog

Blaziken: KickBoxer

Tyranitar: Drago (got him from a trade so thats the name he had)


is this a game?

Mewtwo = Fakemon


Gardevoir => Honest

Pikachu => Cliche


i once had a chimpchar i named it fire ballz


Koooool nicknames

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I has a Seedot that knows Growth, Harden and Explosion.


guess what I named it.


On another note;

Emerald is mah main game.

Aipom: Facepalm

Ledyba: YEAH! (I was in a pretty good mood and that was my phrase of the moment)

Spinarak: Mary Jane

Swellow: Maximum (from the James Patterson series)

Sceptile: Vyne

Kyogre: Anaklusmos, from the Percy Jackson series.


that's all I recall.

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I has a Seedot that knows Growth' date=' Harden and Explosion.


guess what I named it.


On another note;

Emerald is mah main game.

Aipom: Facepalm

Ledyba: YEAH! (I was in a pretty good mood and that was my phrase of the moment)

Spinarak: Mary Jane

Swellow: Maximum (from the James Patterson series)

Sceptile: Vyne

Kyogre: Anaklusmos, from the Percy Jackson series.


that's all I recall.



ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww XD

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I gave my PokeManz their Japanese names' date=' because they will always be cooler than the American versions.


Magikarp - WIN WIN WIN


i hate mgicarp he sux he cant do anny thing and cant evolve


Magikarp evolves into Gyrados' date=' at level 20 I believe. One of the better PKM in the PKM Universe.



You'd need to have a Japanese trader handy to get Japanese nicknames.

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Magikarp - WIN WIN WIN


more like CRAP CRAP CRAP.

its the worst poke ever >.>

Are you guys serious...? I got a Magikarp in every pokemon game i have every had. And' date=' he can evolve. At level 17 or something, you just have to [b']train[/b] him and not just give him rare candy steroids.

lol Rare Candy > Rareroids

and actually Magikarp can use tackle at lvl 10 or 15

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