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Guess That Pokemon! Twenty Second Riddle Posted!


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Just so you know, I have permission from CeDeFiA that I can make this thread. Orginal credit shall go to him and no one else but him.


[spoiler=Pokémon 1-10]

[spoiler=1st Pokémon-Skarmory]

I'm very ill-tempered. I may look heavy at first, but I can soar like an eagle.



[spoiler=2nd Pokémon-Espeon]

My aura is a strong one. I can't talk or use telpathy, but I am a pretty mean feline.



[spoiler=3rd Pokémon-Delibird]

I am a delivery-man's best friend. I can deliver messages in any climate. However, I do dislike the hot temperatures of the summer.



[spoiler=4th Pokémon-Ditto]

I am anything I want to be.



[spoiler=5th Pokémon-Victreebell]

My own belly is a swamp of acid. Should you be swallowed by me.....you don't even want to know what would happen.



[spoiler=6th Pokémon-Sentret]

I is fast. I is limble. I is growing. WHOA! I'm two time longer than usual!



[spoiler=7th Pokémon-Porygon]

At first, I'm digital. Then my body parts are more elipse. Finally, I'm more round! YAAAAY!



[spoiler=8th Pokémon-Grimer]

I reproduce myself. I simply move and I have a brother.



[spoiler=9th Pokémon-Bulbasaur]

I do not need to search for food. I carry my lunch on my back. I only need sunlight.



[spoiler=10th Pokémon-Jumpluff]

I leave spores behind me whever I go. Don't breathe near me!





[spoiler=Pokémon 11-20]

[spoiler=11th Pokémon-Snorlax]

I have a certain tune I like. Only 1 thing can play it.



[spoiler=12th Pokémon-Silcoon/Cascoon]

Lalalalala! What the...? What's happening? I can't move! DAMMIT! I'm a _________!



[spoiler=13th Pokémon-Darkrai]

Your so bored you can't stay awake? No. You're not bored, it's just me.



[spoiler=14th Pokémon-Skuntank]

The myth about how people void their bowels when they die is true. People discovered it when they saw me die.



[spoiler=15th Pokémon-Cranidos]

I'm hard-headed. No matter what you due, I can always take the hit half-way.



[spoiler=16th Pokémon-Beldum]

I go from a baby, to a parapalegic, to a wild beast.



[spoiler=17th Pokémon-Electrode]

What the fu- *BOOOOOOM*



[spoiler=18th Pokémon-Spiritomb]

I am impossible to hit......most of the time.



[spoiler=19th Pokémon-Ninetails]

Do not touch me. If you do, YOU SHALL BE CURSED!



[spoiler=20th Pokémon-Clamperl]

I have 6 other me resting next to me.






[spoiler=21st Pokémon-Pidgeot]

I'm a 1st generation classic. I am always the one to think of when you get a HM.




[spoiler=22nd Pokémon]

No food for you! I want my apples!




I will allow unlimited guesses, just don't spam.


Whoever gets a riddle right gets 1 rep.


[spoiler=Reputation List]

Fighter- 1 rep

Jord200- 1 rep

~~Matrix~~- 1 rep

Crimson General- 1 rep

Atman- 1 rep

Coltscolts18- 1 rep

Dªrĸ- 1 rep



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