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My worst week DX


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I seriously lol'd at all you people's problems.


That s***'s nothing compared to having moderate depression with suicidal tendencies' date=' moderate bipolar disorder, an eating disorder, and some neurosis.



You think you've got it bad?! My microwave just stopped working! Let's see you live with THAT.


Actually, the only problem I deal with on a daily basis is my social anxiety. I have mild agoraphobia symptoms...

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I'm actually in a rather good mood for a change~


But yeah overall, I randomly drift in and out of depression, with the occasional video game or something to distract me from it every once in a while.


But yay for having an actual reason to be somewhat happy~


I don't really have particularly bad weeks, just really bad days that make me feel miserable the rest of the week.

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My parents were killed in a car accident.


Pics or it didn't happen.


I lost my job because I got into a knife fight.

The guy with the knife cut off my dick

My girlfriend dumped me because I couldn't pleasure her

Some hobo found my severed dick and tried to eat it

I got sued for homosexual harrassment


That is by far the worst string of events that could happen to anybody.

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I lost my job because I got into a knife fight.

The guy with the knife cut off my dick

My girlfriend dumped me because I couldn't pleasure her

Some hobo found my severed dick and tried to eat it

I got sued for homosexual harrassment




My parents were killed in a car accident.


Pics or it didn't happen.




Their car was right between the two trains.


Not to say that your lying but I don't believe that...

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