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My body as a shield, seven tools of the bandit and magic jammer.


What is the best card?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is the best card?

    • My body as a shield
    • Seven tools of the bandit
    • Magic jammer

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My body as a shield never really looked good to me personaly' date=' I felt the cost was far to high.


paying over 1/8 of your lp to neagte one card, and it's a set cost meaning you can't always use it made the card a tad useless to me.


aren't there better cards to negate with?


I think so.



Would you rather pay 4k or 1.5k when they use JD or DAD? MBaaS definatly is good, but situational. Because of the set cost many think it's worse, but LP aren't the important thing, card advantage is. Sure LP make it so you can continue dueling, but if you have less than 800 (when you can't use Brain Control, Oppression, etc.) you probably aren't going to win anyways. Solemn was great because it could be used the entire duel, but now that it's limited... yeah, MBaaS is definatly a good replacement.

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My body as a shield never really looked good to me personaly' date=' I felt the cost was far to high.


paying over 1/8 of your lp to neagte one card, and it's a set cost meaning you can't always use it made the card a tad useless to me.


aren't there better cards to negate with?


I think so.



Destruction Jammer?


It's a -1 though, and MBaaS is a -0. Sometimes.

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my body as a sheild is amazing in glads as it negates the 4 things you never want to happen to you' date=' and allows you to push for game for a small cost too


not only that it can negate things that dont specifically destroy monsters



If it could negate any destruction wouldn't it just be another Solemn or Stardust?

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