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First of all, stop naming your threads with a single letter. How about actually calling your threads the name of the card you're showing at least.


Second of all:

Synchros do not work that way. They should have the traditional Tuner list needed to Synchro Summon it.

The image is a bit too pixellated, and it needs a background. Try to find a bigger image sized version, and add or find a background to it.

Effect is too overpowered. It already has 4000 ATK AND DEF, so why does it need to be increased even more? You cannot even negate the powerful effect it has, which makes it ridiculously strong.


Overall, 3/10. a 100% "meh" card. Also, If you are going to post thread after thread consisting of 1 card, then you might as well make 1 thread to post ALL of those cards, or else it's a waste of space on the frontpage.


Thank you.

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First of all' date=' stop naming your threads with a single letter. How about actually calling your threads the name of the card you're showing at least.


Second of all:

Synchros do not work that way. They should have the traditional Tuner list needed to Synchro Summon it.

The image is a bit too pixellated, and it needs a background. Try to find a bigger image sized version, and add or find a background to it.

Effect is too overpowered. It already has 4000 ATK AND DEF, so why does it need to be increased even more? You cannot even negate the powerful effect it has, which makes it ridiculously strong.


Overall, 3/10. a 100% "meh" card. Also, If you are going to post thread after thread consisting of 1 card, then you might as well make 1 thread to post ALL of those cards, or else it's a waste of space on the frontpage.


Thank you.


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First of all' date=' stop naming your threads with a single letter. How about actually calling your threads the name of the card you're showing at least.


Second of all:

Synchros do not work that way. They should have the traditional Tuner list needed to Synchro Summon it.

The image is a bit too pixellated, and it needs a background. Try to find a bigger image sized version, and add or find a background to it.

Effect is too overpowered. It already has 4000 ATK AND DEF, so why does it need to be increased even more? You cannot even negate the powerful effect it has, which makes it ridiculously strong.


Overall, 3/10. a 100% "meh" card. Also, If you are going to post thread after thread consisting of 1 card, then you might as well make 1 thread to post ALL of those cards, or else it's a waste of space on the frontpage.


[s']Thank you.[/s]

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This Ladies and Gentlemen is the EXACT reason that more Talented Card makers don't get the respect they deserve. You really think that writing the letter A as a Topic opener is going to attract anything but raised eyebrows and "eh?"


Oh i'm not done yet, not done by a long shot. All I ever see from you is "Made your essentially myself" What the hell is that supposed to mean hmmmm? You did one thing right by putting it in Any Other Cards but that's still no excuse. I'm going to let this one slide and loc the Topics you have created but do it again and I will be forced to issue a Warning Level increase for Spamming.

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