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Blackwing Support Card

Curse Sasuke

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This Archtype I just invented is called silverwings. All of their effects revolve around drawing,ditching,swaping, and reving blackwings.


Here is the first one:




When this monster is summoned succesfully add 3 "Blackwing" monsters from your graveyard to your deck, your deck is then shuffled.When this monsters effect activates no trap cards can be activated this turn.



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OCG fix:


When this card is Summoned, add 3 "Blackwing" monsters from your Graveyard to your Deck. The Deck is then shuffled. Trap Cards cannot be activated during the turn this effect is activated.


Not bad, the image is alright but there is text in it, and the OCG is decent.


It is a bit overpowered, maybe change it to only 1-2 Blackwings, although the relatively low ATK and DEF balance it out somewhat.



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