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Its Teh Cybah Dragon!

Big Mac

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I know Cyber dragon deck are bad with cyber dragon at 1. I know im probaly doing this wrong. BUT, I needed a good challenge and this is what I came up with. So go easy on me. All advice is welcome.


Total: 40


Cyber Dragon

Proto Cyber Dragon x3

Cyber Phoenix x2

Armored Cybren x2

Shining Angel x2

The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion x3

Honest x3

Cyber Valley x3

Gale (For the sake of Synchro)






Future Fusion

Overlaod Fusion

Limiter Removal

Gold Sarc x2

Monster Reincarnation x2

Fusion Gate x2

Burial From a Diffrient Dimension


T-Roar x3

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Call ot the Haunted



Cyber Twin x3

Chimera Tech

Cyber End

Stardust x2

Red Dragon

Thought Ruler

Armor Master

Black Rose


Gaia Knight

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I'll give you an alternate deck. This should work better but I really don't know for sure. Cyber decks are dead with Cydra Limited...


Monsters: 21

1x Cydra

3x Proto-Cydra

3x Honest

3x Cyber Valley

3x Light Hex

3x Shining Angel

1x Sangan

1x Card Trooper

1x Gale

2x Rose, Warrior of Revenge (for easy LV8 Synchros)


Spells: 13

3x Power Bond

2x Gold Sarc

2x M-Reincarnation (or Pot of Avarice, depending on testing results)

1x FuFu

1x Overload

1x Limiter Removal

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Trunade


Traps: 6

1x Call

1x Mirror Force

2x Bottomless TH

2x Dark Bribe


Extra: 15

3x Cyber Twin

3x Overdragon

1x Cyber End

2x Stardust

1x Red Dragon

1x Black Rose

1x Goyo

2x Gaia Knight

1x Armor Master

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