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Abbadon, Demon of the Bottomless Trap Hole


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[align=center] Holo Done by me





Discard 1 card and remove from play 1 monster on the field. Once per turn, by discarding 1 card from your Hand, Special Summon 1 "Locust-Like Creature Token"(Insect-Type/WIND/level 5/ATK 2000/ DEF 2000) to your side of the field. Everytime a "Locust-Like Creature Token" is Summoned, place 1 Counter on each of your opponents monster.(Even Face-Down monsters) Monsters with Counters on them cannot be destroyed by battle involving a "Locust-Like Creature Token(s)"




Abaddon is a Demon known as the Demon of the Bottomless Pit. He is said to bring the apocolypes. He controls creatures that are Locus-Like in structure but have the face of Men, the hair of Women, the tails of Scorpians, and the teeth of Lions. These Locus torment humans for 6 months before the apocolypes.




The "Remove from Play" effect came from the "Bottomless Trap Hole" Card, seeing as Abaddon is the Demon of the Bottomless Pit. The "Locus" effect came from the creatures he controls. The "Not destroyed by battle effect" came from the reason that the Locus torment humans, not destroys them.




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Man, those are not OCG errors, they are English grammar errors! Ad you should fix them. As for the effect, I think it is underpowered. I mean, after 4 turns you will have 5 monsters with 2400 ad 2000 attack, and your opponent will have 3 or 4 monsters, all that cannot be destroyed by battle. Your opponent should thank you for this!

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The OCG looks weird

"by discarding 1 card from your Hand and Special Sumon 1 "locust....."

..(for example)


The idea is good' date=' the OCG has some errors (face-down monsters for example)

The Pic is great!!!




Man' date=' those are not OCG errors, they are English grammar errors! Ad you should fix them. As for the effect, I think it is underpowered. I mean, after 4 turns you will have 5 monsters with 2400 ad 2000 attack, and your opponent will have 3 or 4 monsters, all that cannot be destroyed by battle. Your opponent should thank you for this!



Nice card' date=' I have a better pic with Abbadon (used it once in a set) if you want it PM me.

A 7.8/10



weird but epic looking picture' date=' might want to say for the tokens that they can't attack to better balance it





Thanks guys >_> and sorry I fixed the grammar in the first sentence


Thanks for the ratings!

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