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CASAAMD, A long abbrivation, for a HUGE DECK! Hint: Koa'ki meriu with StarDust Dragon

Will it work?  

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  1. 1. Will it work?

    • Fly like a F-16.
    • Sink like a Submarine.

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So crazy that it might work. Also, Help make this deck thinner, more efficeint, and more deadlier against meta, but without getting rid of the koa'ki meirus and SD/AM!


CASAAMD:Crazy Ass StarDust Assault Anti Meta Deck


Monsters (22) :

3x Koa'ki Meiru Guardian

2x Legendary Jujitsu Master

2x D.D Warrior Lady

2x koa'ki Meiru Blouder

2x Arcane Apperentice

2x Rose Warrior

2x StarDust Dragon Assault Mode

1x Koa'ki Meiru RookLord

2x Koa'ki Meiru BergZak

2x Koa'ki Meiru Crusader

2x Assault Beast


Spells (16) :

1x Reinforcement

1x Reasoning

2x Urgent Synthesis

1x Heavy Storm

2x Immediate Disposal

3x Iron Core

2x Core Compression

2x Core Blaster

2x Assault Teleport


Traps (12) :

3x Assault Mode Activate

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Threatening Roar

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

3x Reckless Greed



1x Soluem Judgement

3x Jar of Greed

2x Divine Wrath

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device



Extra (7) :

1x Black Rose Dragon

3x StarDust Dragon

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Iron Chain Dragon

1x Red Archfiend Dragon

1x Ancient Fairy Dragon ( for earth bounds)

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ahh' date=' thanks, just fixed it. Anything else you think I should do for this deck?



I think that negging that Valafar for another Rose Warrior would do you a world of good. And if you can find places for Koa'ki Meiru Crusader and Assault Beast, that would help too. With the Beasts, you can search for AMA easier and since they're Beast Warriors, you can run Crusader, who loves KM support. Oh, and GET RID OF THE CUPS OF ACE!

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