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Uh... I love draw power!!


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So, this is a card I created to be a powerful draw engine. Hope everyone likes it...



[spoiler=Card Effect] When this card destroys a monster by battle, you can put 1 "Draw Counter" on this card (Max 4). You can remove "Draw Counters" from this card to draw a card for each counter removed. During each of your Standby Phases, send 2 random cards from your Deck to the Graveyard (This is not optional). The deck is then shuffled.


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Yeahhh, it's overpowered for a few reasons.

1. Draw Power: Whenever you destroy by battle, you draw 2 cards? To much. Maybe put on counters, and remove counters to draw? :/

2. Choosing cards to send to Graveyard: Makes it WAY to easy to summon DAD, and others. Maybe send the top 3? Then you can't send 3 darks, and summon DAD.

3. Piercing Damage: Already to powerful.


I think it'll be okay if you make a few changes.

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If this card destroys a monster by battle, you can put 1 Draw Counter on this card (Max 4). You can remove Draw Counters from this card to draw a card for each counter removed. During each of your Standby Phases, send 3 random cards from your Deck to the Graveyard (This is not optional). The deck is then shuffled.

Not bad overall, it would be cool if you put a card in the background or something.


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The idea is original I like it. Good pic, it's a little squished vertically. The name is kinda lame if you ask me, but it'll suffice.


I basically agree with everyone else, its attack is a bit too high. (even though it's two tributes)

If it was a real card it would probably get slapped into Lightsworn decks because it's Light (which means you can use it with Honest) and it draws and it mills. It's almost too perfect.



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sending 3 cards from your deck to the graveyard is a bit too high for EACH turn' date=' maybe drop it to 2 cards




You're kidding, right? If Konami made this into a real card, they would find it necessary to send 10 cards to the Graveyard every turn - that's how much they hate drawing. I would say sending 3 is the MINIMUM.


And no, you do NOT have to say "the Deck is then shuffled". You haven't had to put that in for ages.

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