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Win Dark Synchro and Tuner!

Dr. Cakey

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I think Dark Synchros are awesome, partly because they let you screw over your opponent without the cheapness of regular Synchros, but mostly because they have a black card frame.

These particular two cards will be appearing in a fanfic of mine, whenever that gets released. Anyway, I've started to address the problem of how to work with Dark Tuners on the field - I've also started designing Spell/Trap support, but...anyway, this is a good start.



Lore: If you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tribute. If this is the only monster you control, this card gains 700 ATK for each monster on the field, and it cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects.



Lore: 1 or more non-Tuner monsters - 1 "Catastrophore"

When this card is Synchro Summoned, remove from play all non-Tuner monsters in both player's Graveyards. This card gains 900 ATK for each monster on the field. During your Battle Phase only, negate the effects of all other monsters on the field.

(The Type for Dark Catastrophe is Demon. This means Fiend. My fanfic substitutes Demon for Fiend and Angel for Fairy, and that is reflected on cards I've made for it.)


plz rate adn comemnt!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

^^Dr. Cakey said why it was Demon instead of Fiend, which, while I wish that was the official name, it isn't, so it's a good point to raise that technically Dark Catastrophe is a fake type card. But other than that...


I don't like Dark Synchros and Tuners, or even normal ones, but I'll try to be objective.


As others have said the effects are very situational, but they're still fairly balanced according to those situations. I also like the pictures you used. Catastrophe's looks like a monster from a Kirby game. :P


A rating? Hm... 8/10. It's got good OCG at least, right?

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