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Hello and welcome to my new contest!


In this contest you will havo to make a new kind of spell card.

Here is an example of what I mean:



So be creative!

p.s.: the cards must not be the same theme as the ones above!


[spoiler= Rules]

1:All ycm rules apply

2:you can post a max. of 2 cards

3:have fun!




end date posted when I have 10 contestants



1:Dramatic Crossroad











judges and judging:

judge is me


judgings are as follows:


1:name-pic relation 20/100

2:image itself 10/100 (you can get max.3 extra points if ur card is holoed)

3:balance 40/100

4:my own opinion 10/100

5:originality 20/100



and there will be 3 rounds.The winner will be the one with the greatest total.


1st:3 reps 10 points

2nd:2 reps and 5 points

3rd:1 rep


There is a small fee of 5 points for entry.

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I'm not sure about the ruling, but i'll give it a try...


I wasn't pretty sure a card can pick itself up from the Deck so my cards have a Lingering effect that has to be triggered by activating one of them first... It's pretty simple actually:

1. Activate the card and shuffle it back to the Deck.

2. Pick up a card every time your opponent attacks.

3. It's important effect activates only if it's picked up...

(P.s. - i take some credit for the card's artwork, but Kazuki takahashi is the original artist )

[spoiler=RESOLVE cards]






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ok the cards are good but i see pipl might have missunderstood:

You can make a card with any effect you like.It shouldnt be the same as the cards I posted as examples.This is a creativity contest, you can make up your own effects.


and, dramatic, please pay the entry fee

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Activate only when you control 2 Plant-Type monsters. During your Standby Phase, pay 500 Life Points or destroy this card. Once per turn flip a coin. If heads, place 1 Moss Counter in 1 of your opponent's Spell and Trap Card Zones. Your opponent cannot activate cards in the Spell and Trap Card Zones that are occupied by a Moss Counter. If tails, place 1 Living Moss Token (Plant-Type/EARTH/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 1000) in 1 of your Monster Card Zones.



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ill join here is my card



When this card is drawn, you must activate it ignoring effects of other card(s). Both player's shuffle their Hand and Set the card(s) in their Hand face down (not on the field). Player's must activate card(s) randomly, if the card you select cannot be activated or summoned, return it face down and you take 500 damage. While this card remains face-up on the field all Magic and Trap Cards are treated as Quick-Play cards. During your End Phase both player's select 1 Magic Card from their Graveyard and add it to their opponent's Hand. If the selected Magic Card isn't activated for 3 of their Main Phases halve the player's Life Points.

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Did my points get there?

Yes' date=' the points came.[hr']

Ill join


uhh' date=' i tried donating 5 and it took away all 10 of my points (yea a lot i know xp) what happened?

[/quote']Umm yes, I got all 10 of your points.Its like you sent me double.Ill send you5 back and you are in.As for Darkfire, you are in too.

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im in here's my card



This card can only be acttivated if you don't have any cards on your side of the field.While this card is in play the field card zone will be treated as a monster card zone.You can draw ten cards and special summon one FIRE,WATER,EARTH,WIND,LIGHT and DARK monster.Trow away all other cards in your hand.For tree turns after you activate this card your opponent can't activate spell and trap cards.


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