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Some OPed Anti-Meta Cards...Don't read if you play meta and are easily offended

Kailyn Leona Kyosuke

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Thought G.B. Hunter could use some back-up xD



While this card is on the field, no effects can be activated that involve Winged Beast-type monsters. Any card that contains "Blackwing" in it's name cannot activate their effects. When your opponent special summons a monster, it's type is treated as Zombie and you may special summon one Zombie type monster from your hand, deck, or graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by Monster effects.


While this card is on the field, no effects can be activated that involve LIGHT monsters. Any card that contains "Lightsworn" in it's name or "Judgment Dragon" cannot attack nor activate their effects. This card cannot be destroyed by trap cards.


While this card is on the field, negate the effects of any cards with "Lightsworn", "Gladiator Beast", or "Blackwing" in their names or card text in the field, hand, and graveyard. This card may not be destroyed by spell cards.



the names are based of of myself and some of my teammates. Theyre OPed for the reason that Meta is basically just as unforgiving. that and it got a tad personal. Yes, robby's pic is the disturbed guy. No, i did not make these as joke cards, and no i did not really intend to be absolutely serious with these. And yes, OCG is not perfect. There...let that be out of the way and be done.

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