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My first Vanilla. Don't worry, he didn't come alone!


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[spoiler=Lore]This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing from play "Orb of the Restrained Soul" from your Graveyard. When this monster attacks a Defense Position monster, destroy it without applying Damage Calculation. If it was face-down, do not Flip it face-up. If this monster attacks directly, its ATK becomes 3000.



[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play "Orb of the Restrained Soul" from your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed as a result of Battle. This monster cannot be targeted by attacks while in Defense Position. Once per turn, you can destroy one of your opponent's set Spell or Trap Cards.




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ocg erros in both effect monster.

your missing

"This cannot be Normal Summoned or Set."

on the Djinn card. change nor be selected as an attack target. to

this card cannot be selected as an attack target while in Defense Position.

opponent's doesnt need capitalisation and set doesnt either.

the souls DEF is insane... reduce it. for a 3 stars its way to much.

overall, ok job. pictures are good. 7/10

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I'll comment on your vanilla first.


1. brake, when used like that, should be spelled "break." Your version means, like, the car brake, while mine means destroy.

2. it says it doesn't know if it's good or evil, yet you made it light :P


Now for the rest.


1. When you attack a DEF-Pos. Monster, damage is always 0 anyway, unless you have a special card such as Ebon Arrow or Fairy Meteor Crush.


Considering all that, I'd say 7-8/10. Good job overall.

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What do you mean by that?? AG Moving fortress has 2200 DEF AND can attack directly' date=' but nobody EVER said it is overpowered! And this just has 50 more DEF...I think it's balanced.[hr']

Can I get anymore opinions?


fortess is 4 stars, if i remember correctly.

your monster is 3.

now that you've changed it to four. its ok.


ill raise rate to 7.8/10

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........read Topher's post. He said battle damage with a def position monster is always 0. Now, about my example: efreeti has 2000 atk, and mil shield 3000 def. So what i said was that if efreeti wouldn't have the no battle damage effect then I would take 1000 damage. Got it now?

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