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My 4 Aztec Sychros with Fixes


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Here are my four Sychros for my "Aztec" Set. Tell me what you think and if there are anything I need to fix. I appreciate all your comments.






Gowatsu's Effect:


"Aztec Summoner" + 1 or more "Aztec" Monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can destroy up to 2 Monsters you control. If you do, for each Monster destroyed by this effect, this card gains 1000 ATK Points this turn.


Luna's Effect:


"Aztec Summoner" + 1 or more "Aztec" Monsters

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can flip one card on the field face-down.


Anasazi's Effect:


"Aztec Summoner" + 1 or more non Tuner "Aztec" Monsters

As long as this card remains in face-up Defense Position under your control, your opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target that includes "Aztec" in its name.


Kowaku's Effect:


"Aztec Summoner" + 1 or more non Tuner "Aztec" Monsters

As long as this card remains in face-up Defense Position under your control, your opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target that includes "Aztec" in its name.

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Anasazi's pic is overused [i even used it]. some effects are lame.


OCG Fixes



"Aztec Summoner" + 1 or more non Tuner "Aztec" Monsters
As long as this card remains in face-up Defense Position under your control, your opponent cannot select another monster you control as an attack target that includes "Aztec" in its name. [/Code]



[Code]"Aztec Summoner" + 1 or more non Tuner "Aztec" Monsters"
If you control a face-up "Aztec" monster and your opponent controls only Defense Position monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly.[/Code]


you can see from this what you need to fix in the other 2. some are OPed. nice try thoug =D



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Okay fixed the errors, thanks. As far as being OP'ed....Oh well I don't believe they are. No more OP'ed than using a combo like Dragon's Mirror with FGD or something like that. And Pics....I like the pic so it being overused isn't really a concern to me. If you were the artist then I would care.

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Anasazi's picture is overused. I used it too! Also, I suggest looking up real Aztec deities as I know the names aren't acurate.

I suggest changing Anasazi's name to Quetzalcoatl, The Plumed Serpent or Ehecatl, Windy God.

I suggest changing Kowaku's name to Acolnahuacatl, King of the Underworld.

Not to rain on your Paraide lol the aztecs didnt beleave in Dragons lol but over all not bad 8.5/10


Yes, they did however they were called Feathered Serpents who were very much like dragons.

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I don't want to use real names...Nough said. And I don't care if others have made cards with the same pics. If I could draw I would use my own but sadly I don't have a scanner and my skills with photoshop are not to my liking so I have to use what I have. I like the pic for the set so deal with it being overused.

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Yeah I have a bunch of Aztec monsters to go with it but I'm working on thier effects to make them work well together. I'm also trying to find pics for good spell cards. Plus I want to find a good Monster to go with Aztec Calender. I want to make an effect that summons a monster thats OP'd but really hard to summon. Something that OTK if summoned. IDK I have alot of ideas and little time on my hands.

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I don't want to use real names...ENough said. And I don't care if others have made cards with the same pics. If I could draw I would use my own' date='[/b'] but sadly I don't have a scanner. My skills with photoshop are not to my liking, so I have to use what I have. I like the pic for the set so deal with it being overused.


Much better! The picture being overused doesn't mean that you can't use images that are made by you. You just don't want to use a portrait of a monster that many other members have used.

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I don't get why Gowatsu is to OP'd? His effect only lasts one turn...Or maybe I didn't make that clear in the card. I might have to go back and edit that. Basically its a one turn power up either meant to save you from something bad or maybe even give you a OTK.

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