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gamers help please

Lord Metallium

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Guys or should i say gamers where can i find web sites of good walktrought videos of any VG and i also whant to know what is the best Vg right now on:

SNES' date='64,GAME CUBE, PS1(PSX),PS2 if you like that is thanks.



Ok....... (2 to 6 is a general consensus; NOT fact)


1) GameFAQ

2) idk, either LttP or Super Metroid?

3) OoT

4) Idk. I guess RE4?

5) FF7

6) San Andreas?


This thread isn't really necessary anyways.

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youtube is your friend you know, probably one of the best ever

SNES : Crono Trigger, Bahamut Lagoon or Super Metroid

64 : LOZ : Oot

GAME CUBE : Metroid Prime 1 and 2, SSBM , Loz :TP

PS1 : Crono Cross, Megaman x4-6 and Castlevania

PS2 : Disgaea 1 and 2, Namco x Capcom, Ar tonelico 1 and 2 and lastly Soul Nomad And the world eaters

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