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Run for your life, Arm made a card...


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I had lost all my computer data a while ago. So for now, I'm without Photoshop >___>

And for the record, The image would look ALOT worse if I saved it as a .Jpg(Yes, I made the image in LDD, copied it to Ms.Paint, used Paint to give it a generic background, and saved it as a .gif)



When this card is sent to the Graveyard' date=' for the Synchro Summon of a Rock-Type monster, increse the ATK and DEF of that monster by 300 points. You can Release 1 Rock-Type Token you control, to Special Summon this card from the Graveyard to your side of the field in face-up attack position.[/quote'][/align]


As usual, Custom Legobots = Blockman support :3


I'll fix any OCG errors that you find, K?

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finally some support for blockman

the card is great just 2 ocg errors:

300 points

Release = Tribute



......I thought they always kept the "Points" part.

And IMO' date=' I prefer the alternet terms :3


Interesting effect my friend...the image is questionable but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...8/10

The effect is supposed to work in combination with Blockman/any other token-producing Rock-Types.

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