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E-Hero Deck


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no.....no no no no no no no no no no NO!!!!


what is it with people running feather head and hot lady?! THEY'RE TERRIBAD HEROS!! JUST BECUASE JADEN USED THEM DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO!!!


build something more along the lines of Rat Hero's Little City or Big City, i have class now, but someone will give you the right build, just scrap this please!

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Sigh... Another fail-Hero deck....


Here's the RIGHT way to do Fusion Heroes:


Monsters: 23

2x Evil Hero Malicious Edge

1x Cyber Dragon

1x Stratos

3x Sparkman

2x Clayman

3x Wildheart

3x Prisma

3x Giant Rat

3x The Earth – Hex Sealed Fusion

1x Sangan

1x Card Trooper


Spells: 14

3x E-Call

3x Miracle Fusion

2x Dark Calling

1x RotA

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Trunade

1x Future Fusion

1x Burial from a DD


Traps: 3

1x Torrential

2x Bottomless


Extra: 15

2x Shining Flare Wingman

2x Wildedge

2x Thunder Giant

2x Plasma Vice

1x Shining Phoenix Enforcer

2x Mudballman

2x Evil Hero Lightning Golem

1x Evil Hero Malicious Fiend

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Elemental Hero Avian x2

Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x2

Elemental Hero Necroshade

Elemental Hero Bladedge

King of the Swamp x3

Polymerization x2

Mystical Space Typhoon



TC, your doing it wrong.

You need to run ever-single-E-Hero-monster.

You only really need to run Sparkman, Clayman, Wildheart, Giant Rat, and Earth Hex.

And no, you dont need King of the Swamp, no, you dont need Polymer.

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More douches. I didn't know Yu-Gi-Oh was taken this seriously. XD


Could someone close this? I figured it was a bad idea to post a fun deck to a serious forum. I have learned my lesson.


This site is brutal in terms of deck fixing. Don't worry, you'll get better once you spend some more time here. I certainly did.

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More douches. I didn't know Yu-Gi-Oh was taken this seriously. XD


Could someone close this? I figured it was a bad idea to post a fun deck to a serious forum. I have learned my lesson.

If you want a good Fusion Hero deck, PM me. I hate it when people build Heroes like this, so don't get on my bad side :P

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what is it with people running feather head and hot lady?!

....I'm too lazy to make a rediculous comment to this' date=' that will horribly de-rain this topic even more.


I didn't know Yu-Gi-Oh was taken this seriously. XD


Its serious business.


This site is brutal in terms of deck fixing.

Yes' date=' yes it is. Cuz' thats how we [s']barrell[/s] roll.

And TC's deck wouldnt have gotton such "harsh"(if they even are?) comments, if he didnt post a generic once-a-week-Jaden-deck.

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what is it with people running feather head and hot lady?!

....I'm too lazy to make a rediculous comment to this' date=' that will horribly de-rain this topic even more.



hey, don't be dissin' my weird hero nicknames, it took me 23 seconds to come up with those, and that's 23 seconds i ain't gettin back!


on a serious note jab is right, if you look around a bit and look at some other decks you'll see what you can improve on and how to get better, we were all n00bs at one point so just sit back, study on your cards and you'll be fine dude

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