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Duel Terminal Stand-Off Tourney [WRITTEN CARDS]


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~~Duel Terminal Stand Off~~

A Written Cards Contest




[align=justify]The Written Cards section has always been a bit quiet. For this reason, I've decided to host a contest which might get a few more members interested in the way things work around there.

Since they are my favourite Archtypes and interesting because they (generally) don't have any Spell or Trap Support, this contest will be based around the Duel Terminal series of Archtypes. Some people might not know about them, since they're all Japanese, so you can find out about them from here:





[align=justify]#1 - All cards must be WRITTEN. Posting any non-written cards will exclude you from the contest. A written card looks like this:

|Silent Unity|

|Winged-beast|WIND|Level 4|ATK 2100|DEF 2100|

|This card cannot attack. All monsters are treated as WIND. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, gain 800 Lifepoints.|

There should be NO image tags used, even if the card is missing a picture. It must be in the same form as the example.


#2 - You will select 1 Duel Terminal Archtype to use throughout the contest when you register. Only two people may select the same Archtype. The available choices are Ice Barrier, Mist Valley, Ally of Justice, Worm, Flamvell, Genex, Naturia, Jurak, Fiend Roar Deity, and Dragunity, as listed on the Wiki. (Note: X-Sabers are not on the list. Don't ask why.)


#3 - The contest will be set in 3 rounds. One card will be submitted each round matching the round's rules. Submitted cards should be posted in-thread.


#4 - There will be a mark out of 100 for each card submitted, taken as an average of what the judges vote. But these won't be shown until the end of the tourney. You can ask for reasoning on any mark given. The winner is the contestant with the highest total score.


#5 - Cards will be judged on their playability, creativity, balance and how well they fit with the archtype as a whole, with marks being lost for bad wording.



Entry, Dates, Prizes and Contestants.



1st - 2 reps minimum

2nd - 1 rep minimum

3rd - 1 rep minimum

There is also 2 reps to be given to anyone who seems deserving, as decided by myself.


Entry Form:


Archtype (enter "Judge" if you want to judge the contest):

No fee needed


The dates aren't fixed yet. The contest should start when we have around 10 players, although it may be more or less depending on how quickly people join - it should start within a week. Each round will end one week from it's start point or when all the cards for the round are submitted, whichever is quickest.


Contestant list:

1 -



1 - Griffin999

2 - Bringerofcake



Good luck supporting your favourite Archtype. Is there any questions or concerns?

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Well let's see now...

#1 - All cards must be WRITTEN. Posting any non-written cards will exclude you from the contest. A written card looks like this:

|Silent Unity|

|Winged-beast|WIND|Level 4|ATK 2100|DEF 2100|

|This card cannot attack. All monsters are treated as WIND. When this card is sent to the Graveyard' date=' gain 800 Lifepoints.|

There should be NO image tags used, even if the card is missing a picture. It must be in the same form as the example.


[b']#2 - You will select 1 Duel Terminal Archtype to use throughout the contest when you register. Only two people may select the same Archtype. The available choices are Ice Barrier, Mist Valley, Ally of Justice, Worm, Flamvell, Genex, Naturia, Jurak, Fiend Roar Deity, and Dragunity, as listed on the Wiki. (Note: X-Sabers are not on the list. Don't ask why.)[/b]


#3 - The contest will be set in 3 rounds. One card will be submitted each round matching the round's rules. Submitted cards should be posted in-thread.


#4 - There will be a mark out of 100 for each card submitted, taken as an average of what the judges vote. But these won't be shown until the end of the tourney. You can ask for reasoning on any mark given. The winner is the contestant with the highest total score.


#5 - Cards will be judged on their playability, creativity, balance and how well they fit with the archtype as a whole, with marks being lost for bad wording.




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