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Ancient Gear Angel

The Mad Hatter

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Guest JoshIcy

Looks more like a Fallen Angel or Counter Fairy than an Ancient Gear to me...

And I think you meant +500...


Interest though. Definitely a fitting replacement for Golem or something.

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I don't think that you need both limitations on the summon. The monster should be under 5 stars, or under 1500 attack, not both. I would suggest losing the attack cap as this would give you access to aincent gear knight. other than that, good job. although I believe you meant "you and your opponent discard two cards from your hand's'". 4/5

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this would be excellent but the special summon wont work. ancient gear monsters cannot be Special Summoned at all. so you would have to write, ignoring summoing conditions.

at the start. you've misspelt cannot.

the atk fix maybe should be 500? but that would make it op'ed so make it 200 or 100.

picture looks like one of the counter angels....


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The pic is really the only major mistake, besides gainig 50 ATK for each ancient gear. No card I know of causes a Monster to gain only 50 ATK. I have two decks and one of them is an Ancient Gear + Roid deck and I think this card would go well in it. (The other is Zombie, though I'm working on a volcanic one.)

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