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Gone [PG-13] [Basic][always accepting] [started

Necro Pheonix

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out of nowhere, every one over 15 disapeares. EVERYONE. A mysterious barrier apears cutting the town from the rest of the world. Any that turns 15 disapears. As you, and your friends and enemies,try to figure out what has happened, animals start mutating and people develope powers. Some of them use them for good, some to kill others. Some aprove of the "mutants", some try to kill them. Food is running out, and a mysterious force lingers, waiting to kill all that survives.




1.YCM rules apply

2.mild swearing is allowed







Power(if mutant):






[spoiler=my app]

Name:Jake Verouzi



Power: can teleport distances varying at the amount of energy he has,



Bio: a kind guy that hates to take charge. He is strong but trys not to fight. He trys to make peace but once he gets angry he loses all reason.



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Why was it locked and

Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Mutant: Yes

Power(if mutant): Can alter sound around him (Like alter his voice and over peoples voice EX: He makes his voice high pitched to break windows and blast people)

Good/Evil: Good



Bio: Zekes parents died in a card accident when he was 7. Some government officials tried to take him away without his parents legal power. He amplified his voice to such a high volium that he blasted them back. He standed their, stunned for a moment but ran away when he realized his gift. He ran, and ran, and ran, using his powers to escape the government many times. He became a loner because he had no choice.

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I will join.


Name: Xenos

Age: 13

Mutant: Yes

Power: Ice Manipulation

Good/Evil: Good




Bio: Living out on the streets, Xenos never knew his true name, so he adopted the name Xenos, which means "stranger". His 13th birthday had come and gone; no celebration, no happy feelings. The same as always. Until a strange barrier enveloped the town, and Xenos changed. He quickly took hold of his new powers, keeping them secret until the right time...

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geez everyones good... ohwell


Name: Kazuya


Mutant: Yes

Power(if mutant): Spikes able to shoot from body or appear over skin

Good/Evil: Evil!!

pic: Spike___Evil_by_Sexton666.gif

Bio: Living on the streets Kazuya had a knack for conning people into giving him whatever he wanted, money, food, basically anything. When the barrier enveloped the town and he was changed he decided to use his powers to his advantage. He has been a Muscle on the streets for a while now...

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Name: Zak

Age: 13

Mutant: Yes

[spoiler=Power: ]Allows him to transform at will in to animells/or people. He must first aquire the animal DNA by phisical contact. In order to transform he must consentrae, this makes it verry hard to transform when in pain & imposible to trainform wile unconcious. When he changes from one form to another most injuries will heal, with the acception of fatal injuries. He is also able to comunicate to others telapathicaly when in a morph that is incapable of talking in human language


Good/Evil: Good

[spoiler=pic: ]857713890.jpg


Bio: Ever sence he was a child he has been very fond of animal's, especialy lions. When developed the ability to turn in to animals he got exited, he often uses his powers for fun & to travel. He considers himself the protector over all animals, and he will never stand by and watch an animal get killed wothout good cause.

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all accepted! since we have a bad guy, we can start! we weill start with what you were doing when everyone disappears, so its not confusing.


Haro was sitting in class, listening to the teachers BORING lecture on anctient civilizations, and he felt like he was about to fall asleep. His eyes started to close and then he heard the teacher stop talking. He opened his eyes, hoping he didnt see him starting to doze off, and he saw he was gone. He leaned over to the kid next to him and asked, "Hey, wheres the teach?"" The kid stared blankly and said "I dont know, he just...disapeared." Haro stood up and walked out of the class and into the nex tand saw there was no teacher there either.

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Haro continued to walk from class to class, to only see all of the teachers, and everyone older than him, was gone. He walked outside and saw Zak and approached him. "Hey, do you have any idea where everyone went? The only people here are 14 and younger." He saw cars crashed together along the road, and no one inside.

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Zeke finaly arive at the school, panting. "Made it..." As he entered he saw barren hallways. "What the? were is everyone?" He enetered his empty classroom. "Is this a day off? Whatever, no school!" As he leaves the school. he see a boy on the monkey bars. (OoC: Is it ok if we are in the same class?) He walks toward him. "Zak? Haro? Were is everyone?"

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