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[align=center]Here is a Stroy for y'all. Happened in my school.


It was the end of the day. Art class had just finished. A guy from my class had run from Art class to the Technology Class. He walks in front of the class. He yells "OMG THERE IS A FLY IN THE SCHOOL!!" then runs away. Then a girl asks what he did. He told her. She threw him in the girls washroom and started punching him.


Discuss funny incidents in School.[/align]

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in elementary school' date=' i was running for student council, and i told all my friends"ill vote for you if you vote for me", so i got half the votes and won.





good job. last year we were drawing for money on teh 1st day of school [i don't know why money XD] i asked my friend to draw my name. he did =D

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My pants fell down in Personal Fitness last year. We were running a mile... and I tripped on my fallen pants. It was funnier than hell.


lol. In soccer i scored a goal. i was runnng to teh bench then fell and did a 360 in teh air. it hurt so much. I was laughed at the rest fo the day.

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Well, a "friend" of mine (we're classmates, but I hate him) jumped down a set of stairs. He's only 150cm or so, so he thought he could make it. There was a wooden beam. He hit it. Everyone lol'ed.


Note, it's so low that I hit my head on it unless I duck, and I'm 175cm. No, the other guy is older than me. He's Thai.

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Well' date=' a "friend" of mine (we're classmates, but I hate him) jumped down a set of stairs. He's only 150cm or so, so he thought he could make it. There was a wooden beam. He hit it. Everyone lol'ed.


Note, it's so low that I hit my head on it unless I duck, and I'm 175cm. No, the other guy is older than me. He's Thai.



lol. i think i am out of storys. i am sure i will have some more soon

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Few weeks ago' date=' my friend dressed up as Quirrel for Harry Potter day. He then ran into the cafeteria and shouted TROLL! THERE'S A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!

...and fainted.



His BALLS meter must've been high. EPIC.


TC: I dun get it. D:

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