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Duelist Pack Bagon

Lightning Bagon

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1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters

If your opponent controls a face-up LIGHT monster, you

can select and activate 1 of the following effects once

per turn: ● Destroy 1 set card your opponent controls. ●

By sending 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard,

destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls.

● By sending all cards from your hand to the Graveyard,

look in your opponent's hand and send all LIGHT monsters

on it to the Graveyard. Afterwards, inflict damage to

your opponent equal to the combined ATK of all

opponent's monsters sent to the Graveyard that way.







Once per turn, you can discard 1 Spell or Trap card from

your hand to destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field

OR You can discard a Spell or Trap card to have this

card gain 500 ATK until the End Phase. This card is

unaffected by the effects of Quick-Play Spell Cards and

Trap Cards. If you activate this cards effect this card

cannot attack this turn.


















This card cannot be Normal Summoned nor Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. You can Special Summon this monster from your hand, but Tributes are required for monster Level 5 or more. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target.






This card is also treated as a Warrior- Type mnoster. This card cannot be Normal Summoned nor Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. You can Special Summon this monster from your hand, but Tributes are required for monster Level 5 or more. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target.




Dark synchro by deustodo




1 Dark Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card can only be Special Summoned by Dark Synchro Summon. Any monster that battles this card is destroyed at the end of the Battle phase. If this card attacks a monster in Defense position, destroy the Attack target without flipping it up or applying effects. Once per turn you can send the top card of your opponents Deck to the Graveyard. If the sent card is a Spell card, inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent.










There can only be 1 face-up "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. Onec per turn during your opponent's Draw Phase you can discard 1 card from your hand to draw 1 card. If you drew a Earthbound Immortal you can Tribute this card to Special Summon then drawn card. If that monster has 3000 ATK or less pay 500 Life Points to raise the ATK by 500.





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